What do colleges/college admission committees do with rejected applications?

<p>I'm just wondering....what do colleges/college admission committees do with rejected applications? </p>

<p>Do they keep them, chuck them out, shred them, what?</p>

<p>Anyone have an answer?</p>

<p>They have a bonfire in April</p>

<p>I think they keep them for some time to use for institutional research purposes.</p>

<p>Maybe they make paper airplanes and have a race around the campus.
Or kites. with nice long tails.</p>

<p>I was kinda hoping they recycled them, but hey, you guys have cooler ideas.</p>

<p>Sometimes they keep them on file for a year, in case the student wants to reapply. After that time period, they shred them if they are paper applications, or they purge their computer systems of them if they are electronic. I worked in the admissions office of my college as a ‘program assistant’ and a good portion of my work was spent shredding old applications.</p>

<p>juillet, does every school keep rejected applications? what college were you from?</p>

I think you worry yourself over nothing. If you get pick again when you reapply it is because of the strength in your current application. I am fairly certain they are not going to compare line-bu-line with the old app if at all. If they did and should ask you you have a ready answer that you had disk problem and you have to redo the app and re-estimate your activities. Relax.</p>

<p>I would keep dad away from your computer again. Doesnt he know reformat wiped everything cleaned ? Why doesn’t he use his own PC ?</p>

<p>they take them home and eat them</p>

<p>They keep them in the bathrooms for, ummm… reading…</p>

<p>It was always my understanding that they were made into paper cranes. Hmm.</p>

<p>I thought they used them to wallpaper their bathrooms</p>

<p>Similar recent thead:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/733157-why-do-colleges-want-keep-our-rejected-applications-file.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/733157-why-do-colleges-want-keep-our-rejected-applications-file.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>Well, without the reformat I wouldn’t have been able to boot up without the PC freezing and dying… nothing he could have done about it. It’s my fault for not backing up my own files. He’s sort of the geek around the house, so I just trust him with my computer.</p>

<p>Thanks for your reassurance, but I’m pretty sure they would use my previous application quite heavily… after all they must devote quite a lot of room to store tens of thousands of thick application files each year. I’m really worried to death and I feel like crying sometimes. I hate the college I got into and I always wanted to take a gap year, but now a stupid virus has wrecked all my plans to apply again. I don’t know what to do.</p>

<p>bump, does anyone know what i should do?</p>