What do colleges think about not taking the AP test?

What do colleges think if they see an AP Class but no AP test score reported? There is probably not way to differentiate between a score that was cancelled or hidden and a test that was never taken. But what does a college think when you never even TOOK the ap test for a class?

<p>well.. if you are applying for a competitive college.. then you should take atleast one if not any... since it will look good...</p>

<p>if you get a 4 or 5. then report it... otherwise... do not report it... to the competitive college... since it will not be positive.</p>

<p>Cornell is correct. Colleges know that you do not even have to release your scores unless you are looking to get credit for the course and you have up unitl right before registration to do so. </p>

<p>Colleges also use the AP for different things, while some schools give credit, others may only use AP for lacement purposes. At many schools you will not get credit unless you have a 5 on the exam. Many schools are shifting not to give AP credit as they beleive the courses do not cover the depth and bredth of an actual college course. </p>

<p>The point is to do well in the class as the grade will show up on your transcript.</p>

<p>So, the fact I couldn't report a score because I didn't even take the test really wouldn't matter?</p>

<p>no, it won't matter. Hopefully you did well in the class.</p>