a junior student trying tom decide between studying to be a doctor or an enginerr</p>
<p>I want to know what do engineering students study?Do they for example have to memorize a lot of equations?</p>
<p>thx in advance</p>
a junior student trying tom decide between studying to be a doctor or an enginerr</p>
<p>I want to know what do engineering students study?Do they for example have to memorize a lot of equations?</p>
<p>thx in advance</p>
<p>no, they do not have to memorize a lot of equations... they have to know how the equations work and how to derive them from scratch...</p>
<p>well not to be a smart @$$ or anything...</p>
<p>but yes, they deal with loads and loads of equations.</p>
<p>And premed/med students have to memorize tons of info too. Don't base your decision on that. What kind of job would you rather do? They are really different.</p>
<p>A lot of engineering is applied mathematics and physics. Those are the courses you would start with, and the core engineering and upper level classes depend on what type of enigneering. (mechanical, electrical, etc)</p>
<p>Some classes I've had to memorize equations, but honestly those were the math and physics classes. Once you get into engineering (statics, dynamics, etc), they give or let you bring an equation sheet.</p>
<p>So, an engineering major involves a lot of problem solving.</p>
<p>I would look more at the actual career, then how to get there (ie. the degree). I don't like most of my coursework, but there are a few subjects I've really gotten into, and that is the field of engineering I want to find a job in.</p>
<p>The engineers I work with do A TON of stuff. They are always busy. Basically, they are constantly testing out new ideas on products, solving problems that occur in the processes, and finding ways to make things more efficient. While they arent plugging away at calculus problems all day, they are using state of the art computers and machines to test products. They have knowledge of what they are working with.</p>
<p>In a nutshell, Engineers are mostly professional problem solvers.</p>