What do i do if i don't get into any UCs?

<p>i am reading admitted student’s stat and people with my stat have been admitted and have been rejected
what do i do if i don’t get into any UCs?
i REALLY don’t want to go to my “backup” college… after taking all those hard classes … after all that afford i don’t want to go to a college where all the people that screw in school go to …</p>

<p>how do i last for like 4 month till the decision come out?</p>

<p>Did you apply to Merced? If so, you’ll get in to at least one :wink: </p>

<p>I jest. </p>

<p>Apply to some schools you like where your numbers match :slight_smile: Some UCs are easier than others to get into. Remember CC is the top of the top, a self-selected group.</p>

<p>The people who don’t go to UCs aren’t just the people who screw up in school. (At least, I assume you mean ‘screw up’; I’m not sure if there is a correlation between sex on high school campuses and getting into competitive colleges.) Many people don’t go to UCs because of financial issues or because they want to be close to their family. Some are taking care of sick relatives. We know that more qualified people apply to some of the UCs than there are slots, so these other schools aren’t all ‘people that screw in school’. I think this college you’re imagining where only ‘people that screw in school go’ just doesn’t exist. </p>

<p>There are strong people at all schools and surrounding yourself with them and taking advantage of the opportunities available will make you successful anywhere you go. However, looking down on people just because there school will put off people who will write you off as a snob.</p>

<p>Personally, I think a hard working student who chooses to go to a community college to finish their general credits cheaply and then transfers to a UC is really smart and mature. I wish I had been that smart and mature when I was 18.</p>

<p>what are your stats?</p>

<p>You don’t know what a school has to offer until you try it. No one wants to hear this but it’s the truth. I used to be against going to a community college and looked down upon it. I did my first semester at a university and didn’t like it there so I switched to a community college. When I switched, the courses at the CC were very similar to the ones that I took at the university and I had some professors that were doctors and taught at the university as well as the CC part time. So I ended up getting the same education for a cheaper price. But I had never taken course at the CC so I did not know how it was going to be. In the end, you go to college to learn and get your degree and with most colleges it doesn’t matter where you get it from. I later switched to another university after completing my pre-reqs and the university had no problem accepting my credits from the CC either (meaning that the credits were comparable to the classes taken at the university). Hope this helps you stop stressing over the college that you want to go to.</p>