<p>I am about to start my last semester of undergrad at the University of Michigan. I am a civil engineer with a 3.4, I plan to go on to grad school to get my MS or MEng in civil with a concentration in structures. I have been wanting to go to UC Berkeley for grad school since I was a freshman, I have been there twice and it was pretty awesome plus I love the Bay area.</p>
<p>Now I have recently taken the GRE but did not do so well (330 Verbal 630 Quantitative) because I did not study at all, so I plan to take it again in September. I have a semester worth of research experience with alum from Berkeley but I did not do so hot in her class that she taught. I have had 2 internships since my freshman year (one in construction and one at a power plant) but I am not really seeing how this is going to help me in getting into grad school. So what types of scores should I shoot for with my GRE, and is my gpa going to hold me back from being admitted (I did the math and even after a 4.0 this semester I would only be up to a 3.5)?</p>
<p>I am really nervous about getting in, itÂ’s really the only school I am interested in going to. Michigan in a great school but I just can't be here any longer, help PLEASE!!!!!</p>