<p>I just completed my freshman year at a community college in southern california. I know its a broad question but I am very curious about the whole process a university goes through when selecting potential transfer students from local areas and non-local. Right now I am completing most of my undergrad work, and working on a few prerequisites for Nursing at a college that is not in the region of the university I would like to transfer to which is San Diego State. How could I increase my chances of getting accepted to colleges that are non-local? My overall GPA right now is at 3.7</p>
<p>Also, I am somewhat confused in how assist works aswell as the transfer process. For instance, do I have to complete all the pre-requisites for a major before I am accepted to the university that I am required to declare my major to? Or, do I just have to finish the IGETC portion to be able to transfer? If I just finish the IGETC portion do I have to complete the rest of the prerequisites at the University?</p>
<p>IGETC, prequisites for your major listed on Assist.org and go see a counselor to make an educational plan. Join the honors program at your cc to increase your chances of being accepted to your university of choice.</p>
<p>Thanks for the answers guys but I got one more question. </p>
<p>Is it possible to transfer without finishing all the requisites for the program? I heard some graduate schools don’t like the fact that some courses where taken at a community college because they may feel it is too easy compared to the same course in a university.</p>
<p>Will this matter if someday along the line I want to become a CRNA by any chance? Or if I want to be a doctor or dentist will it matter if I took those prerequisites were taken at a community college? I am still unsure in what I want to do but I really thinking of a career in the medical field…</p>