What do I need to know about rushing a fraternity at UT Austin?

<p>I am going to be a sophomore at UT Austin next year (had to transfer because damn competitive high school) and want to rush a fraternity. Preferably FIJI. </p>

<p>What do I need to know? I messaged the rush captain on Facebook and he told me to come out to Round Up on the weekend of March 27th.</p>

<p>What are the chances of getting a bid card? What do I need to do? I don't really know anyone personally but I am going to be living in Austin the summer and can "hang out" with fraternity guys and get to know them or whatever. </p>

<p>Also, when is actual rush week and how does that work? Is there an actual application or do you just show up?</p>

<p>dirigite aqu</p>

<p>No one here would know unless he (notice I said a male) goes to UT and is a frat brother of Fiji.</p>

<p>In all likelihoood of CC demographics, no one can help you here, sorry.</p>

<p>And besides, these are questions you ask other UT students (frat members) and not go online to an Ivy-crazed forum to ask about Greek life. You should ask your fellow Longhorns about the rushing process, especially those who are already frat members and have gone through the rushing process.</p>

<p>Each university’s rushing process is different so what may happen at say, Dartmouth or Alabama rushing will not be the same at UT.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>