What do students do on the weekends?

Some people on here know me for some rants i did in the past lol but anyways i go to college and i never really stayed a week at college. This semester i just go home on thursday because i dont have a class on friday. I do this to work out at a much better gym in my home town plus i don’t like college which is a different story. So how do people survive staying at college weeks after weeks like some of my friends do? I honestly couldn’t see myself staying at college on a Saturday night. Anyways, what do the people who do stay at college do besides drink,smoke, and have sex on my bed (just joking…welll i hope it doesn’t happen anyway. Pretty sure it doesn’t though).

Honestly, there are a lot of things you can do on the weekends. I mean not everyone is drinking, smoking or having sex. Sometimes schools have events that are free to students. My school always has an event and then a free food bar every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. Sometimes I don’t feel like going so I will hang out with my friends. Sometimes we have movie nights or I have a night to myself. I mean you can do whatever the heck you want. No body really cares. I think it would be beneficial to you and your college experience if you tried to stay at least one weekend at school. It might help to plan some activities so you know what you will do doing. The worst is sitting around like a lump when you wish you go could do something.

How many minutes or hours away do you live from college that you’re able to go home every Thursday? I don’t think you realize that not everyone can go home freely whenever they want like you. I have no choice but to stay here in this college town except during school breaks because I originally live 8 hours away, and it is not practical to go homd every week because airfare, trainfare, and gas prices are all expensive. And for international students, they can’t go home unless its break, either. Also, not every college student drinks, smokes, or has sex. I don’t do any of that. My weekends is usually spent studying, going on Tumblr, watching Korean dramas or anime, and whatever leisurely activities I can find.

This weekend I went to an EDM show, a play, and talked with am old friend. I also had two meetings for different organizations, and homework to do. I was sober the entire weekend.

I live 30-40 minutes away from home so i can go home every weekend. And besides working out at home i go home because thats practically nothing up here for me. I have 0 friends and i don’t feel comfortable around people up here honestly. I tried to join a club but the first day i felt ao awkward and uncomfortable i didn’t bother and i couldn’t join anyway because it would interfere with athletics i tend to join. I also focus and work alot better at home because wifi is terrible so it can be hard to research stuff sometimes at college.

My school plays movies on the weekends. There’s probably something to do if you look hard enough.

Not really. Our school doesn’t really have events for us. the majority goes to bars or party or go home like i do.