What do students generally take in grade11-- HELPP!!!!

what do students take in grade 11? And what did they take in grade 10?
Did any of you take o-levels before taking APs.
I am in a terrible fix, and i neeed replies.</p>

<p>Judging by your "grade 10/11" and "terrible fix," I'll assume you're not American. I think I can safely say that most of us on CC are Americans and that most of us wouldn't be too familiar with foreign school systems. I can, however tell you which classes I had in 10th and 11th grade for your own comparison.</p>

Math B (Acc)
American Sign Language 2
English 2 (Acc)
Spanish 3
AP European History
Chem Regents (Acc)
Health/Gym (req.)</p>

Pre-Calc (Acc)
AP US History
AP Statistics
AP Chemistry
AP English Language
Spanish Regents
Japanese 1
Gym (req.)</p>

<p>i study in an international school that allows me to take american exams. And i am in Abu Dhabi(UAE-MIDDLE EAST).</p>

<p>And do ppl usually take a minimum of 4 APs in junior year</p>

<p>Did you do the o-levels ?? infact wat did you do b4 you did your APs?</p>

<p>My school doesn't have any "o-level" classes. We don't have any prepatory classes (unless it's a lower level class designed for the NY state Regents tests). The AP load a student can take depends on how hard the school makes it and how dedicated the student is. I took one AP class sophmore year to gauge how much I could take Junior year, and I went off that. After finding that AP Euro was one of the more challenging APs offered at our school (in comparison), I've decided to take 6 APs senior year.</p>

<p>If Junior year is going to be your first year taking APs, then take on around 4-5, and if it's too much, you can always drop down to a lower level class and prep for next year.</p>

<p>Most American juniors just take the standard fare--Math, English, History, Foreign Language, and one or two sciences. For example, my schedule was:</p>

<p>AP Literature
AP Physics C
AP Chemistry
IB Contemporary World History
Spanish III
AP Calculus BC</p>

<p>However, there is no such thing as a "minimum #" of APs, just so you know. Some take none, some take 6 or 7. It depends on the school.</p>

<p>Here's what my schedules were:</p>

<p>10th Grade:
H American History II
H Chemistry
H English
Health/Gym-like Class (both required.... to think that I could have taken AP Psych if it weren't for those wastes of time...)
H Algebra II
H French III</p>

<p>11th Grade:
AP Chem
H French IV
AP Environmental Science
H Precalculus
AP US History
H Concert Band
H American Literature</p>

<p>Also, I agree with Snoopy about APs. It's impossible to take more than three APs Junior year at my school, unless a students skips to higher level math/language.... which never happens, because guidance counselors "don't recommend this," meaning it's basically forbidden.</p>

<p>10th grade:
AP US History
AP US Govt
Precalculus H
Chemistry H
English 2 H
Drawing/Painting 1
Law Studies</p>

<p>11th grade:
AP English Lang
AP Calculus AB
AP Physics B
AP Biology
AP Studio Art Drawing
AP Macroecon
AP Microecon</p>

<p>....I'll also be taking community college classes junior year. </p>

<p>And I might self study Psychology and take the AP exam if I have enough time.</p>

<p>I'm not exactly sure about this, but a lot of colleges will accept A-levels for college credit, so I'm pretty sure that A-levels are similar to AP classes.</p>

<p>I took all Honors classes in 10th grade and AP courses in 11th (I couldn't take AP classes in 10th).</p>

<p>In 10th grade I took:
AP Spanish (independent)
PE (independent)
Biology II
Honors English 10 *The only honors classes at my school are Honors English 9 & 10
Health/home economics (required)
US History
Traffic safety (.33 credit)</p>

<p>In 11th grade:
AP English Language & Composition
AP English Literature & Composition (usually taken in 12th grade)
Conceptual Physics
Chemistry I
Drama II
French II
French III

<p>But it does depend almost entirely on the school. Just take the most challenging courses that are available to you and for which you are prepared--and the courses that you want to take. If you school doesn't offer a ton of AP classes, then you don't have to go out of your way to self-study APs, if it's college admissions that's on your mind. Make the most of what is offered to you. </p>

<p>I've never heard of an American high school having O-levels. We have honors, AP, IB... some schools offer pre-AP, but mine doesn't.</p>

<p>I have a friend that went to an international school in Dubai, I think it was but I know it was somewhere in the UAE. </p>

<p>What we take before AP tests really doesn't matter though since every school has different requirements. </p>

<p>Typically, 10th graders don't take any AP tests but if they do it tends to be either World History, Environmental Science or European History.</p>

<p>11th Graders typically usually take
AP US History
AP English Language</p>

<p>These AP tests are generally taken between either 11th or 12th grade
AP Chemistry
AP Physics B &C
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB & BC
AP Psychology
AP American Govt
AP Macro/Mirco Economics
AP Statistics
AP Art History
Any AP Language</p>

<p>You can look up the percentages of what grades take each test on Collegeboad's website. It's in a PDF and it's part of their anual review.</p>

<p>These will be my sophomore and junior level classes
PIB Chem
PIB French 3
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics
AP US govt/VPS
IB Computer Studies
AP English Language
AP Art History online
Calculus I/II at a local CC</p>

<p>Junior year:
IB Biology HL
IB Chem SL
AP English lit
AP French Lang
IB American History
IB Math Methods II
Calc III, Micro, and Diffrential Equations at a local CC
Possibly AP Computer Science A online</p>

<p>Jumping on the bandwagon, to balance out the people who've taken/are taking 90 quadrillion APs. My school offers 7 APs and no honors classes; here's what my schedules have looked like:</p>

<p>10th Grade
French III
Algebra II
Development of Western Civilization
English 10
Band III
Physics/Mechanics (semester)
Inorganic Chem (semester)
Human Biology (semester)
Creative Writing (semester)
Personal Fitness (semester)
Life/Team Sports (semester)</p>

<p>11th Grade
Ancient Greece
U.S. History
AP English
AP U.S. Government
Band III
Physics/Waves (semester)
Advanced Topics in Chemistry (semester)</p>

<p>As you can see, it really depends on your school's offerings.</p>

<p>For 10th and 11th grades I will most likely be taking:</p>

<p>Algebra II Accelerated
Chemistry Honors
English II
AP Modern European History
French III
Spanish III
Intro to Psychology/Wellness (1 semester each)</p>

<p>Analysis Accelerated
Physics Honors
AP English
AP American History
AP French Language
AP Spanish Language
AP Macroeconomics/Intro to Political Philosophy (1 semester each)</p>

<p>For 11th grade I took...</p>

<p>AP English Lit.
AP English Lang.
AP Microeconomics
AP Biology

<p>I also took a study hall (for two of the AP's, which I was taking online) and a T.A. period (required by the school).</p>

<p>my school doesn't let you take ap's before 11th grade, adn we're only allowed to take 1 as juniors....</p>

<p>so i had
H English 10
H Chem
H Alg.2/Trig
H World History</p>

H Physics
H Pre-calc
H English 11
AP US history</p>

<p>there's no minumum or maximum number of AP's that u can test ....</p>

<p>and i disagre with sungchul... i think if it's ur first tiem takign AP's take 1, or 2 at most.... they are a different style of test and stuff... u don't want to ever take too many challeneging classes if it affects ur other schoolwork....</p>

<p>start small, and build ur way up...
i dont think international students need AP's anyways, but i dont really know</p>

<p>lmao well MOST people don't take any Aps.....</p>

<p>Most Americans probably take in 11th grade
--Regular Algebra II
--Regular Chemistry (or maybe Physics)
--Regular US History (european, world, etc.)
--English 11
--third year of a foreign language</p>

<p>And in 10th grade
--Biology (or maybe Chemistry)
--Some form of social studies
--English 10
--second-year foreign language.</p>

<p>But of course most people on this forum take higher-level courses (APs, IBs, honors, etc.).</p>