What do UCs consider "First in family?"

<p>I’m filling out my UC application right now, and under the “Scholarships” section there is an option to check if you are the “first family member to attend college,” and another option to select if you are a “first-generation college student.” Neither of my parents have any college (their highest education is a HS degree), but I have two sisters who went to 2-year community colleges and obtained associates degrees. Would I be “first generation,” “first family member to attend college,” neither, or both? I’ve read that most schools would consider you to be the “first family member to attend college” if you’re the first of parents and siblings to go for a bachelor’s degree, and first gen is if your parents didn’t go to college, but I’m not sure how the UCs defines these. Does anyone here know?
Thanks for any help!</p>

<p>Hi TOD,
You are definitely a “first-generation college student”. The one I am not so sure about is “first family member to attend”; personally I think you are not, but definitely check with your counselor about this. :)</p>

<p>You are 1st gen but not the 1st family member.</p>