What do you do to relieve stress?


<p>Listen to music, write, or read.</p>

<p>Read, nap, go camping, swim, hike, et cetera.</p>

<p>I think about my problems and make myself even more stressed.</p>

<p>VJB + BBall = WIN</p>

<p>watch my favorite movies, read</p>

<p>piccologjunior, I'm doing the same thing, are you a member of sbt?
I just stopped doing novice weights after knee pain.</p>

<p>Nah, I'm a member of HM sports (is that what SBT used to be? idk that acronym)...and yeah I've been on hiatus lately. I did the beginner program and have moved onto intermediate (focus on strength).</p>

<p>Finally another VJBer though lol</p>

<p>Scream to music. Seriously it helps so much.</p>

<p>Listen to music, play music, watch funny movies, some things that I cant really say on here (>_>)</p>

<p>Work out, write down a checklist for things I need to get done, take my dog out on a walk.</p>

<p>Make anagrams, run, music.</p>

<p>being like a zombi</p>

<p>i run and workout. mostly run. its fun. that rhymed.</p>

<p>Play tennis...watch TV for a few minutes...eat food...just sit down and relax for a while...eat food...do math homework...eat food...</p>

<p>Make to-do lists and prioritize what needs to get done first and how long everything will take, and then make a sort of schedule to make sure I'm getting everything done, but I also schedule in break times and stuff, and I also try to get 5-6 hours of sleep.</p>

<p>^That's if I'm REALLY busy. Making lists really really helps me, I don't know why. It makes me feel like I'm remembering everything and that I have everything under control.</p>

<p>During the breaks I usually watch TV online, draw, watch movies (in the short segments online, so I don't get caught up in it), read, nap, or take a walk.</p>

<p>lift, run, hit something occasionally lol</p>

<p>Random acts of genocide. ;)</p>

<p>be an idiot and procrastinate and then be even more stressed later.
i know im awesome.</p>

<p>work out is number 1... it's an amazing stress reliever.</p>

<p>watching movies or TV is number 2.</p>