What do you feel some of your weaknesses are with regards to your application?

<p>I am a bad standardized test taker, so I would have to say that my SAT and ACT scores are my primary weaknesses. My GPA, extracurrics, vounteer work, are magnificent; however, test scores do not make up the applicant.</p>

<p>MY GPA … it`s not that bad, but it could be better .</p>

<p>GPA enough said</p>

<p>My GPA, rank, and extracurriculars. ~_~</p>

<p>my GPA, like @gp11003, mine isn’t bad but it could have been better and my SAT score, but I’m working on that.</p>

<p>Ahhh I’ve been mulling over this for a while so I’m glad there’s now a thread for this :slight_smile: My lack of “concrete” leadership positions - im in many groups where its shared leadership but im still a leader bec. ppl have respect for me. <- this mainly.</p>

<p>I’m also worried they won’t understand I actually have passion for what I do. Unlike a lot of ppl i believe my parents didnt push me to be in anything (and often tried to pursuade me to quit) so what im in is truly close to my heart and makes me ME</p>

<p>Me too… I am in some clubs where there is shared leadership too…</p>

<p>It sucks!!!</p>

<p>Well i have quite a long list but to save myself from feeling crappy, I won’t write out the list
Weaknesses: ACT score(27), Unweighted GPA(3.7), lack of leadership spots.</p>

<p>I don’t have weaknesses in my application; that would mean that I’m insufficient. My best is good enough, I know I worked hard to attain everything I have (GPA, SAT, clubs, sports, job) and I don’t regret anything. Neither should you all.</p>


<p>I definitely feel its my GPA…I mean its not the most horrible thing in the world(88 average)…but like…I put it on a converter…and it says that I have a 3.2 average(***F!!!) I thought I worked hard for that 88…my school is pretty competitive…like seriously the most difficult school in the New York area(it was on a list…it doesn’t surprise me) But I feel that would hurt me…cause my low unweighted GPA…=(</p>

<p>I haven’t taken the SATs yet tho…so hopefully I don’t have to add that to my list (I would be so happy with a 2100…these people on here are crazy to not want it!)</p>



<p>I love your posts CPU :)</p>

<p>Thank you, Mrluggs <em>bows</em></p>

<p>My GPA and Class rank. I really wish I had worked harder.</p>

<p>@CPU that really was inspirational! I think we should put a positive spin on this thread.</p>

<p>Everyone, post what yur worried about AND what yur confident in regarding your application :)</p>

<p>Weakness: Concrete leadership, Overanalyzation of one section of my SAT score
Strengths: Essays/short answers really show who I am, recs, Scores :)</p>

<p>Strengths: GPA, Class Rank, Extracurricular activities, ACT Score (29, but I’m taking it again next Saturday), Rigorous Course load in anything English and Social Studies, awards and recognitions, essay writing</p>

<p>Weaknesses: Low SAT Scores, No AP Math or Science classes (but I still took them Honors)</p>

<p>I’m hoping colleges will understand that Honors math and science classes are actually rigorous to me. English, history, and the social sciences just come easy.</p>

<p>Was going to say GPA but my school does some major grade deflation (as in no one has ever gotten straight A’s throughout their time there) so I’m all good :)</p>

<p>Ughhhhh I hate SATs and ACTs because it has no correlation with my intellect at all hahahaha…my GPA is a 3.9 and I have taken 8 AP’s and got a 4 on almost all of them, besides AP Lang (ouch). I have over 300 hours from a hospital, crazyyy good ECs and I did research in greece. BUT…my SATs are a 1660 and a 23 on the ACT…no college wil take me</p>

<p>@collegeparonia SAT and ACT are only a small element of the application - I think everything else you’ve done does shine brighter than those scores :)</p>

<p>My only weakness is probably my scores, everything else is solid.</p>

<p>Thanks Kudasai :slight_smile: I hope so, its all left to God at this point haha. What is everyone’s top schools?</p>