What do you get out of Honor Societies?

<p>One of the benefits I've heard for joining honors societies is that it's something to put on your resume. However, for my chapters of Tau Beta Pi and the honor society in my major the only requirements are being in a certain percentile. If you have a good GPA, employers already see that. Do honor society memberships really add anything extra to the resume? What are other benefits of joining?</p>

<p>Some honor societies are active organizations that host lectures, social events, fundraisers for the department, etc. It really depends on the quality of the local college chapter whether the fee is worth it.</p>

<p>Our honor society requires a discipline-related service component as well as a GPA and a certain number of classes in the major.</p>

<p>Different honor societies are of different value. I think if you are an engineer it is of value to join Tau Beta Pi, if you can afford it.</p>

<p>Unless you are planning to put your class rank on your resume, it gives some idea of what your GPA means at your school. Also, and this is just my impression, once you get 5 years of experience out of college some people might think it looks a little silly to conitnue listing your exact undergraduate GPA on your resume. I haven’t seen many mid career resumes with exact GPA on them (of course that could be because only slackers apply where i work). But you can list honors and honor societies until you retire and nobody bats an eye.</p>

<p>Like I said, that’s just my experience, I’m not saying it’s right or wrong or universal. So don’t get all bent out of shape anyone in their fifties with their GPA on their resume. :)</p>

<p>My kid got a cool t-shirt from her major’s honor society (I know because I snitched it from the clean laundry when she left it home after her last break, and am wearing it at this moment).</p>

<p>This society doesn’t have as many lectures as other groups I’m in, and most of the events are social. So I don’t know if I would join just for that.</p>

<p>Hmm, I hadn’t thought about how you don’t put your GPA on your resume after several years or that it tells how well you do in comparsion to others. I think I will join then. Thank you.</p>

<p>I don’t know, paying around $75 to only get a cool shirt seems a bit much. :)</p>