<p>Do you pull the old, "BRB" aka [I'm not really going anywhere, but neither is this conversation...]?
I'm sure half of you type [because, by conversation, I mean instant messaging/texting/whatever] things along the lines of "oh man, I really need to go because of ______ which is soo important, bye."</p>
<p>I'm usually honest and say "wow this is boring, bye" :]
But I believe in all of you, surely you're more creative than I am! Tell your stories! :]</p>
<p>I just stop im-ing. Like, I won’t say “bye” but I won’t try to talk more either. I’ll stay online and if they think of something to say, I check back in.</p>
<p>This works really well cause I multitask like a ■■■■ online. So I don’t even think about it being awkward or anything.</p>
<p>I also just don’t talk when people IM me and I’m not in the mood to talk to them. Then, later, I’m like, “Sorry I missed you!”</p>
<p>(To those of you that talk to me on AIM and to whom I’ve done that, I wasn’t necessarily ignoring you; it’s possible that I really wasn’t there…)</p>
<p>Also, IV, get on AIM; we have this like five-person CC chat going on lol.</p>
<p>^ Ahaha, yeah I do that as well, just stop IMing for a while - but I mean really like when you just seriously want to STOP. Lol. And get off of IM. What’s the excuse? haha.</p>
<p>Most of the time I’d say “I need to sleep, see ya later”, which is true b/c I usually chat late in the evening. But I never really get bored out of a conversation because I feel happy just to have someone to talk to. That doesn’t happen everyday (to me).</p>
<p>I read random articles and stumbleupon things until I find something interesting and use that to spark a new conversation, or I shift the onus of finding-something-interesting-to-chat-about to whomever it is I’m talking to. ;]</p>
<p>I would never be so cruel as to simply log off and leave, though, unlike certain others…</p>
<p>edit: and we should try another group chat sometime, only not so late at night!</p>