What do you have to do to NOT make NM Finalist?

<p>I know that 15/16 semi-finalists make finalists, but what did those 1/16 people do (or not do) to not make finalist? Is it pretty much a done deal if you turn in the application on time, don't screw up the SATs and do whatever else it is that they ask you to do?</p>

<p>i think its mostly based on grades and the SATs. the essays are probably more important for the next level.</p>

<p>if someone has like a c average and doesnt try in school but just happens to be a good test taker or just a slaker in school they dont let them be finalists...but thats just my guess.</p>

<p>i know someone who didn't get in because their 3.71 GPA (unweighted) wasn't high enough. weighted, i think it was something like 3.94. <em>shrugs</em></p>

<p>NMSC does not like C's or D's on transcripts, low SAT scores (below 650? Just guessing at the number...), failure to turn in paperwork, failure of your principal/guidance counselor to support your application for NMF (usually happens only if you are suspended, or poor discipline problem.) Everyone else is free and clear. :)</p>

<p>not writing the essays...</p>

<p>It's pretty much what you do outside of testing... GPA (unweighted), rigor of course selection (they want to see you take AP courses if your school offers them)</p>

<p>I had a friend with awesome scores (including the SAT) and awesome essays get rejected because of bad grades</p>

<p>What do you mean by bad grades?</p>

<p>Yeah, my son will probably be a SF (228) but he has been a b+ kind of student leaning towards more A's this year while taking a fairly rigorous schedule...4 AP (1 soph, 3 jr), 2 college classes (A's there). Does anyone know if the B's will keep him out of the running for finalist? BTW, he has leadership (ASB), community service, good SAT's (2220), and should get good recs from the principal.</p>

<p>Ask yourself, is that in the lower 1/16 of the NMSF? I highly doubt it. Look on wikipedia, (I know not the best source) but they explicitly state :</p>

<p>"Generally, Semifinalists who fail to advance to Finalist standing do so because they do not submit the application, have a large discrepancy between PSAT and SAT scores, have atypically low grades for a high PSAT/SAT student (i.e. not at least mostly A's and B's,) or do not receive the endorsement from their school."</p>

<p>If your son is a B+ student he should find no problem being a finalist assuming he hasn't been suspended or something.</p>

<p>momfromme: she had some Cs</p>