<p>BioG 1105 Introductory Bio and Chem 2070 General Chemistry? Are they really difficult? Should I take them at the same time? What is the workload like, etc??</p>
<p>search for median grade reports on the cornell website. both are difficult classes. that said, a lot of people take bio and chem at the same time and seem to handle it pretty well.</p>
<p>how "hard" those courses are depends on your ability to adapt to the teaching style and previous experience in that level. they are both, while also for instructive purposes, meant to weed out pre-med majors, so on a lot of instances you put a lot of work in and see low grades because everything is on a curve based on how your classmates do, and teh tests are meant to be hard. bio is just a lot of material rather easy testing. chem is harder because of problem sets and labs and the duration and rigor of the prelims which are traditionally hard-also we had 3 or 4 different teachers for chem throughout the year which was also challenging. for both classes their is substantial amounts of extra help available in tutors, office hours, peers, books, and blackboard. hundreds of freshman took the two classes at the same time, and what it came down to for who did well or who did not was all about the time managament.</p>
<p>it's done by many go ahead...drop if you cant handle it and take one of those over the summer...</p>
<p>sorry for this but i just realized you said Bio 105 not 101. if that is the self taught course i took, i would not reccomend taking Bio 105 and Chem 207 actually-it would be better to do Bio 101. Its the same material but Bio 105 is very very time consuming and at times almost too much content for the class. While you can pace yourself, if you dont have a lot of free time to make it to the study center for your oral/written/dissection tests then it can be a real hassle.</p>
<p>take 101 (i guess it's now 1101?) instead of 105 (1105). i took 1101/1103 and i didnt like it that much and thought 1106 might be my cup of tea. baaaaaaaaaaaad idea... 1106 has a lot more bio majors, is more intense, has harder labs and generally just wants to screw you over.</p>
<p>my only regret all of freshman year is taking that class.</p>
<p>i took both 105 and 207 - i think i'm the only one who thought 105 was awesome. i think that 101 might be less work, but i also think that the amount of work you put into 105 correlates more with the grade you deserve (i'm sure that mannnnnny would disagree though, oh well).</p>
<p>if you're really interested in learning the material and you don't procrastinate, take 105 - for me personally, my natural learning style is autotutorial. if you have doubts about the very autotutorial nature of the class, don't even touch it - you will do poorly. i think that anyone who is more self-motivated in learning (as opposed to lecture - nothing wrong with this - just different styles of learning) should do 105 - you'll get way more out of it than 101</p>
<p>as for 207 - not very hard at all as long as you're constantly up on the material</p>
<p>once again depends on you. i have a friend who thought bio 105 was much easier than lecture bio 102. though you prob have to study more for autotutorial, you also don't have to go to lecture 3 times a week. and you don't have to listen to the professor talk about his research and test you on it (booo)</p>