What do you learn in IB Math SL/HL?

<p>Is Math SL the same as AP Calc AB and Math HL the same as AP Calc BC? or is it far more extensive?</p>

<p>No IB math SL covers much more than just Calc AB. I’m in SL math and we covered everything from trig identities to vectors to probability, and yes it does include calculus in the second year, but it covers much more than just calculus.</p>

<p>that sounds like precalc for my school. ive done all that in cp precalc</p>

<p>I’m taking HL Math in a two year sequence. The first year, we took the BC test at the end, so next year we’re going beyond that.</p>



<p>This is completely wrong. Calculus AB assumes that you know those topics from precalculus. The actual content of AB calculus is vastly superior to that of SL math.</p>



<p>Are you perhaps taking Further Math HL? AP Calculus BC covers roughly the same array of topics that are tackled in an normal IB HL math course.</p>

<p>AFAIK IB covers more topics, but AP goes more in depth</p>

<p>SL Math is way easier than AP Calc AB. HL Math goes beyond AP Calc BC.</p>

<p>My son’s school is dropping IB math HL. Many math teachers at the school complain IB math HL as Mickey Mouse math. Many kids who do not do IB do BC calc as a sophomore then diff equation as a junior then multivariate calculus as a senior.</p>

<p>The new plan for IB students is to do diff equation in the fall semester then to do IB math SL in the spring.</p>

<p>So just like here?</p>

<p>Woah… I wish my IB Math SL was like you guys’ classes! We did everything that would be done in a PreCal and a Prob/Stats class for our junior year, and they’re putting us in the AP Calc BC class for half of senior year, and finishing the year with a different teacher to do more Prob/Stats and some other Calc stuff.</p>

<p>Who knows why, our program is a little… off.</p>

<p>At our school SL was IB Math Studies SL, super easy, and we joked that the hardest thing in the course was learning how to tell time (which is an actual subject in the syllabus).
IB Math HL on the other hand was extremely difficult, It went beyond Calc BC (pre-requisite for the class). In fact in a few of our chapters we started off where Calculus BC had left off, so IB Math HL was definitely more difficult.</p>

<p>As a senior in math HL2 student who took SL1 in sophmore year (as a prereq for HL)</p>

<p>SL1 = Precalc w/trig + vectors(Fundametals) + probability(Fundamentals)
SL2 = AP Calc AB (all of it)</p>

<p>HL1 = AP Calc AB + complex numbers(fundamentals) + matricies(fundamentals) + vectors(advanced) + Stats(AP level)
HL2 = AP Calc BC(Does not apply if your option topic is not Calculus) + the rest of AP stats + Differential Equations(Fundamentals)</p>

AP = Focus on details
IB = Focus on bigger picture</p>


<p>No guys, really?</p>

<p>AP Calculus AB has a MUCH more in depth version of Calculus than SL Math :o</p>

<p>Just because SL Math covers the basic concepts, doesn’t mean it does all the AP-level questions, and the second-semester topics like;</p>

<p>Differential Equations and Slope Fields</p>

<p>Implicit Differentiation</p>


<p>SL doesn’t have those. I’m taking both AP Calculus AB and AP Statistics, and I know for a fact that SL or HL does not have either.</p>

<p>I admit HL comes VERY close to having them, but they don’t have all of it, and they most definitely don’t have the full AP Stats curriculum with all it’s investigative tasks and non-linear modelling and sampling.</p>

<p>Don’t get me started on AP Calculus BC…</p>

<p>I’ve been looking at my friends’ IB Math HL first year coursework, and they seem to learn about a much broader range of topics than my Calc AB/BC class.</p>

<p>This is all very relative to the individual school. I know that in my school, the second year of math SL is taught concurrently with AP calculus AB with some added stuff during our mandatory study hall. It really just depends on your school.</p>

<p>At my school our SL Math class was called “IB Calculus.” We used an AP calculus book and covered all of the material in it. Most people weren’t IB diploma candidates and wouldn’t be taking the IB exam, so they wanted to give a well-rounded introductory calculus class. Some of the non-calculus stuff required for IB we covered outside of class for the few of us who were taking the IB test.
I got a 5 on AP Calc AB and a 6 on IB SL math, with minimal studying/prep for either. So yeah, it really depends on the school.</p>

<p>Earlier I meant IB Math Methods SL covers a wider range of topics than AP Calc AB. Calc AB doesn’t do probability or statistics, but both are topics in IB SL. The calculus in IB SL is like other people have said, MUCH easier than the calculus covered in AP CALC AB. Overall Calc AB is a more difficult class by far, but IB SL does cover a good deal of topics.</p>

<p>Yes… AP Calc BC also covers Differential Equation but only in first order though. </p>

<p>If you have any skill at math take HL Math. It is extremely difficult and is harder than AP Calc Ab and BC. SL math is a joke in my school. It is precal than a little bit of calc. If you want to major in Engineering or business you need to take HL Math.</p>

So i have a question: If I am in SL Math Year 2, would I take calculus in college or pre-calculus?