What do you need at the interview?

<p>What do you need to bring? What did you guys bring?</p>

<p>I asked my interviewer, he wanted a resume and a printed out copy of my test scores.</p>

<p>haha, i didn't bring anything. My interviewer was a german major though and that's sort of my "hook" so I was able to talk to him about that a lot and so i was pretty lucky.</p>

<p>My interviwer wantede a copy of my application,a resume and any additional stuff I wanted to forward to Harvard</p>

<p>Pjv - Das finde ich ja total geil! Wie war's? Was sagte er über Deutsch bei Harvard? Ich wunsche mir, dass ich Deutsch mit meinem Interviewer sprechen konnte. . .</p>

<p>Ach zu meine Gute! Ich liebe Deutsch und niemand bei meiner Schule kann Deutsch sprechen. Ich habe es nicht vor fast einem Jahr genommen, so mein Deutsch ist total schlecht. Wir haben nicht zu vieles über das Deutsche Programm bei Harvard. Wir sprachen über Büchern, die ich gut finde. (z.B. Faust). Er hat Faust gern. Wir sprachen auch über andere Deutsche Dichter. Es macht mir Spaß. Ja, ich hatte viel Glück bei meinem Interview.</p>

<p>forever21 - Your interviewer should tell you what you need. If he or she doesn't, there's no harm in asking.</p>

<p>My interviewer didn't ask for anything and didn't really want to see the stuff I had with me. He was a nice guy and we just chatted for 40 minutes. He was a lawyer, so his notes were brief</p>

<p>What a strange forum...I could swear I posted a second response here in German - why would it have been deleted?</p>

<p>Hi guys, this thread is posted long ago but I don't wanna open a new topic about interview so I'll just use this one to ask: when do you often have interview if you apply for RD, I mean, Dec or Jan or even later? You must send in your app before you can schedule an interview, right? I haven't sent in mine so I'm not sure if I can still have chance for an interview. Someone told me that alumni only do interviews in Dec, is this true?</p>

<p>Oh come on, anyone's having his/her interview in Jan? Anyone?</p>

<p>just forget me, your interview asked you about test scores? Aren't they not supposed to do that?</p>

<p>I think they used to be required to find out test scores, but now they no longer have to (but they are allowed to). It wasn't a big deal, and I think it might just have been for his own knowledge more than for the report he'd write up.</p>