What do you NOT like about UA?

I hope I don’t meet her either!!! @Rtdsmith

Hahaha, thank you!!! @InvolvedmomFL

Wow, I must have missed something here, but I’m thinking that was fortunate. :slight_smile:

Apparently the offending message is no longer here (with good reason!).

@bamagirl18 I am considering UA, and I also have a gluten allergy. In your honest opinion how hard is it to eat at UA with this allergy? How have you overcame some of the obstacles you were talking about?
Thank you!!

I hope @bamagirl18 responds because I think she recently posted that after speaking to some managers at the dining halls there have been many improvements in regards to gluten free dining.

@southernbound18 to be completely honest with you, unless you’re an advocate for yourself it is pretty difficult. You constantly will have to ask an employee to make something special for you. However it is getting much better and next year I joined the dining hall committee so I hope to make it much easier. Basically here are your options:

Pasta- You have to ask a manager and it takes around 20 minutes to get
Cheeseburger/grilled cheese/hot dogs- they have gluten free buns and this is the quickest option at about 5 minutes
Pizza- great option takes about 15 minutes

Basically you need to text the manager anytime you come with what you want and at what time. Now I have a corn allergy and a soy allergy and basically every other allergy possible so they custom make me meals every meal. I text the same manager and he always makes me amazing food and cuts it into art like swans and stuff.

Last I checked they were working on a gluten free station at lakeside. I am almost positive it will be open this upcoming year. Lakeside seems to be the easiest and most friendly and accommodating staff in my opinion. Fresh foods is too busy and crowded to have time for me. Bryant has amazing breakfast for those of us with food allergies including omelets and hash browns. Burkes manager is gluten free but I don’t think she’s as accommodating as Lakeside. If you have any specific questions just let me know(: hopefully by the time you get here we will have everything very easy and accommodating!!!

bamagirl18, you are awesome for stepping up! RTR!!