What do you NOT like about UA?

I agree. And many people are very happy here. @bamagirls‌

And thank you :slight_smile: that response was really nice



@charlottelol1 – Your posting history suggests the school that you are likely to transfer to. Best of luck. It is a fun school and it sounds like you will enjoy the energy of a school in a more urban environment. (One of my kids had it on her list, but turned down a very big scholarship there because she just couldn’t see herself in that environment. She is very happy at Alabama despite coming in from OOS knowing literally nobody other than her sister. It takes all kinds!)

Now for some well-meaning advice. Take or leave as you see fit. Understand that if the school is the one I am thinking, it is also a large party school with a huge focus on sports. Because most people establish their friend groups in freshman year you will need to work twice as hard to get involved unless you have existing friends at your new school. If there is a transfer student organization consider joining. Seek out the kinds of activities others have suggested on this thread. Join the professional society for your major. Don’t sit at a table and wait for others to ask you to join them. Find someone sitting alone and ask whether you can sit down. For people who have always had an easy time with friendships, some of these skills don’t come naturally but they can be learned. Best wishes!

AHHH, thank you so much!! Whoops didn’t realize you can see someone’s posting history, haha @paying4collegex4‌

@charlottelol1 Good luck at your new school. I know how it feels to realize that something is not right for you even though it is a great place for many other people.

One thing I find annoying is the assumption that one must attend a certain class and take detailed notes on ones laptop or pen and paper. That may be your learning style, but that’s not the case for everyone. There are some students who are auditory learners and memorize lectures. Others will read the textbook and notes outside of class and only attend class to take tests. Many of those students graduate Summa Cum Laude not because the courses were easy (far from that), but because they mastered the material.

I’m a big proponent of placing out of lower division courses or taking the online versions if one feels comfortable with the material. Part of the mission of such courses is to bring students up to college level, so one might see some low quality work handed in as students get used to the quality of work expected.

Ones college experience is about more than just the classes. This is where building a social network comes in. College is not like high school where students have typically known each other for years and have to travel in a limited number of academic circles. As one goes through college, they continue to meet new people and grow socially. I always caution incoming students that the friends they make during high school and their freshman year of college don’t always remain friends by the time graduation rolls around. People change and that’s a good thing. The key is being open to new experiences and making the most out of ones college experience.

I understand that! @SEA_tide and that’s not the main reason I’m transferring. If that was my only issue here, I wouldn’t mind at all! Honestly, I don’t always take notes if the material isn’t difficult for me to understand!

FYI to others reading this thread… “Dress Code” was mentioned above. Concerning the guys, yes…you will see quite a few guys in the flat-front type shorts and the button down shirts (usually long-sleeved rolled up). However, there are also many guys who go to class in good 'ole gym shorts and tees, particularly in Engineering. Huge mix! Yes, guys will want to have some of the nicer things for when they feel they need to dress up a bit, but if my son felt like he had to “dress up” every day… I am pretty sure would have chosen a different school :slight_smile:

And good luck to you, Charlotte, at your new school!

@Charlottelol1 First let me wish you the best of luck in your new school!! I hope your future is bright and happy!

No one college is “right” for everybody, but I wonder perhaps, if you had ‘not’ joined a sorority from the beginning, would your experience at the university have been different? I would love your views on that. You seem particularly independent, so I wonder if being a GDI from the start might have worked better for you. I also wonder if you had the opportunity or desire to get involved at the Hillel? Many of the Jewish students seem to really enjoy their involvement there. I am also curious as to what your major is and how many upper level classes you have had the opportunity of taking? I think many bright students can easily get bored with lower level/Gen Ed classes.

@robotbldmom I messaged you!

@amy9998 thank you!!

@charlottelol1 From your posting history I gather you are attending UMiami. That’s great! I am an alumna. My daughter was accepted there, but is choosing Bama. It sounds like Bama was not for you, and that’s OK. Every nook and cranny you travel to in this world will have its own culture. But keep in mind that University of Miami is NOT USchool and you will have to be nice to people. Remember, you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Good luck!


Thank you! I understand being upset with someone, and if I saw someone who I thought was giving incorrect advice and lying about their high school/college life, I’d be upset too! @mia2ua

@InvolvedMomFL not sure what USchool is lol. I’m not sure if that’s a high school or a college!

Wow. That was shaping up to be the most interesting thread in CC history.

Oh my goodness. Hope that other girl isn’t on here anywhere. She sounds atrocious!

@Charlottelol1 Apparently you are not the atrocious one mentioned here! Good luck with UMiami. It is a great school!

HAHAHA, I know! @chardo I was sooo confused because none of that matches up with any aspects of my life! I’ve been messaging @mis2ua and she feels really badly! We’re actually friendly and I understand the confusion.