What do you think about the UC GPA?

<p>I don’t like it.
Does UC’s look at unweighted, UC GPA, and fully weighted GPA? or just UC GPA?</p>

<p>It depends on which specific college within the UC school you apply to; generally, the higher-ranked UC schools will require a 3.0 unweighted GPA, while other UC schools may require a 3.0 unweighted average instead.</p>

<p>I believe they mainly just look at UC GPA.</p>

<p>as someone who's taken 18 semester of AP/H classes in 10-11th grade, it disgruntles me. And then I figured out that since I already maxed out on my honors courses in 10th grade, I could've taken all regular classes this year for easy-as-f straight A's and my UC GPA would've been about 4.1 as opposed to the 3.93 it is assuming I get all A's this semester. Whatever!</p>

I'm in the same situation...</p>

<p>Yeah but the strength of your coursework is definitely taken into consideration. Had you switched to all easy classes after AP's they would have looked badly upon you, even if your gpa was a little higher.</p>