<p>Should leaders be judged on the way they treat others?</p>
<p>I mainly argued about examples of leaders that were incompetent and arrogant despite their 'high-achieving' merits that made them look good because of their attitude towards others.</p>
<p>I used fairly hard vocabulary and varied sentence structure. My examples were Okonkwo from Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe and a personal experience. I used up 1.5 pages.</p>
<p>So between 8-10? Hopefully?</p>
<p>I did about the same but took an opposite viewpoint. Hoping for a 10-11</p>
<p>Awesome because I’m getting nervous about the essay I barely prepared for…</p>
<p>Aw come on can’t anyone else replyyy???</p>
<p>It’s difficult to say. Do you remember what your thesis was?</p>
<p>Also, it seems like you had the same test as me. What was your experimental?</p>
<p>something along the lines of people with high achievements not always being the best leaders??? Gosh I was hoping for a 9… sigh. Walt Disney Experimental</p>
<p>I got the firm opinions prompt.
I wrote that firm opinions are unreasonable and I cited F451, CotB, and the discrimination of African Americans.</p>
<p>8-10. If it was outstanding, maybe higher. I was going to use Okonkwo too, but my other examples actually took up too much space. :/</p>
<p>People can’t grade essays not seeing them…</p>