<p>My roommate is a complete board and computer game addict. I've been friend with him since high school when he was a near-top student even with a prize in national math competition. We went to a good univ together. He seemed to get out of control without his parents watching. He got crappy gpa in first year and was put on probation for a semester. At the beginning I thought it might be that he wasn't fully adjusted to univ life until I moved in with him and another guy .</p>
<p>He rarely showers. Never do household chores (All my work.). Smells smoky. Didn't cut hairs and shave. Never cook. No social interaction except with me and another roommate. Stays at home most of the time. Never use school resources such as libraries etc. I find it impossible to convince him to go to a club, movie or even a simple meal. And plays computer game all the time. It's lucky that my another roommate is a super smart genius who can always help him to solve difficult hw probs in seconds. So he did minimal amount of work outside lectures ( He did go to lectures though). The only good thing about him is that he doesn't make noises of any kinds. </p>
<p>I am really afraid that with his current lifestyle, he would probably be kicked out of school forever. He never listened to my advice though he is polite to me. </p>
<p>I am considering to rent a single room when the current lease ends. But the apartment I am living right now is a really good deal on price, convenience, and safety. Can anyone offer some advices? I doubt I can turn my roommate to the positive side.</p>