What do you think of this schedule?

<p>I am taken 17 credits
Anthcult 101
English 125
Math 216
Phys 140/141
I will have to work during the school year in order to avoid loans. So do u think it’s too much?</p>

<p>No one on CC can tell you if that schedule is going to be too hard for you because we don’t know anything about how smart you are or how hard you work. Also, you should include how many hours you will be working every week.</p>

<p>That being said, looking only at the classes you’re taking your schedule is fine. Anthcult 101 and English 125 should be extremely easy, and Math 216 and Phys 140/141 are easy if you’re decent at math.</p>

<p>thank u nubswitstubs i thought i would be overwhelmed. i plan on working 20hrs a week.</p>

<p>I was in a similar situation during freshman year. 18 credits and my classes were probably a little more difficult, but I only worked around 9 hours a week…I did well in all my classes and had a little free time, but not as much as I wanted, and I didn’t get as much sleep as I would have liked too…</p>

<p>Anyways, the schedule itself doesn’t seem bad at all, but it might be a little tough while working 20 hours a week.</p>

<p>English 125 really depends on your professor. Mine was quite tough on grading and as far as I know only 1 person got an A in the class. In another class I know my friend got A+s on his essays, which would have been unheard of in my class. If you get an easy going professor then English 125 should be a breeze. Haven’t taken any of the other classes that you’re taking, but taking 216 this semester and heard its the easiest from Calc I-IV so that shouldn’t be too bad. Just don’t skip classes</p>

<p>thank u guys for the help i trying to plan my schedule and ur info is helpful</p>

<p>Working 20 hours per week and taking a full load is extremely difficult. If you are going to be working on campus, close to where you live, like cleaning tables in the cafeteria, maybe it’s do-able. Otherwise, you will most likely find that you can’t be as good in your classes as you would have liked.</p>

<p>On the other hand, if you know going in how tough it will be, & you are committed & you have a goal, then that helps. But don’t forget to factor in your commute time, which hopefully is very little.</p>

<p>thank you jelp i am trying to got a job through the university but those are usually taken by kids who have work study. to be honest with u, i know that i will have to give up something but it is hard to choose.</p>

<p>I think you should go for it, and change your schedule later if it’s too tough. Freshman get an extra few weeks to drop a class without a penalty.</p>

<p>you should not go into a schedule “knowing” that you’re going to drop something. you will likely begin to develop bad habits by justyfing half-assed work</p>