What do you think of this topic???

<p>Haha this might be a stupid topic for an essay, but i was thinking of portraying my uniqueness through sports. I am an Indian male who loves the game of basketball and have been playing the sport since i was five. Often times many Indians/Asians are stereotyped to be book worms and have no life outside the area of academics(this is a huge misconception). I have had success at the hs varsity level winning many awards, and i thought i would describe the typical stares and chuckles I recieve from opposing players before and during the game. It is very easy to read the people's looks of "what the heck is this kid doing on a basketball court, doesnt he have some math homework to do." This "adversity"/extra motivation every time i have stepped out onto the court has taught me to work that much harder at whatever i do, given me the strength to believe in what i do when no one else will, and socially has helped me to appreciate/recognize the qualities of others before passing judgements. </p>

<p>Please let me know what you think, or any adjustments you might make.
I have no written it yet; right now im just looking for advise, Thanks.</p>


<p>It sounds okay, but doesn't your application say that already?</p>

<p>It could work but you'd ahve to make sure you had some evidence to support your claims so that they don't just come off as feelings of insecurity about being a minority on the basketball court. Other than that, it sounds like a good topic!</p>

<p>I agree with angelt - working around an event or something specific would be good - don't just write about the general concept</p>

<p>is there a specific incident that you could write about, that would say something about you that the rest of your application doesn't? so instead of saying all the lessons you learned you can let them speak for themselves</p>