What do you think the above CCer looks like?

I think the above CCer has brown hair and green eyes

I think the above CCer has medium brown hair and hazel eyes

Kinda with the hair, no with the eyes. I think the above CCer has dark hair and lightish brown eyes? And is a Yankees fan!

Got the hair right! But I have dark brown eyes

Dark brown eyes.

Dark brown hair, brown eyes?

Yes (formerly) and yes.

You have dark blonde hair and blue eyes.

Blonde hair and brown eyes?

Correct! (hair color)

5’ 9" tall?

Sadly, 5’6. Green eyes?

Dark brown hair (if not black) and dark brown eyes, 5’6’’

You were right with brown eyes. My hair used to be brown too, but now I color it.

Female? 120 lbs?

Member status at 300 posts! Keep guessing!

Do you have a haircut like Shawn Mendes?

I think the above poster looks just like Arod’s latest girlfriend.

Brown hair and blue eyes? Also, I love Shawn Mendes so much ahh

Something like that. My hair is curly.

Your hair is straight?

I love Shawn Mendes too!
Currently blonde hair?

I feel like you’ve got like light brown hair and always wear a Yankees hat.

No and no, but I actually probably should wear a yankees hat
Darkish blonde hair, blue eyes?

A mischievous smile.