Third best looking on this whole thread.
Well educated on ancient birds!
A queen
Someone who will become regular member after me.
Someone who really wants to become a member
An empathetic and helpful person.
Aw thanks. A person who likes fortnite?
I’ll let my son answer -
Not the answer I expected. (And most likely a huge lie.) Anyway, a person who really does like fortnite?
Not at all. Not one little itty bitty tiny bit.
My son again -
Now he has to go wash the dog. Someone who likes better games than fortnite?
Eh. Don’t really have time for games, too busy applying to prep school.
A smart person!
Thanks, right back atcha!
Wearing a Red Sox cap right now! =))
Lol but no way
The above CCer is able to time-travel to King Arthur’s court.
A happy and smiley person.
A person with a secret alter-ego, possibly a superhero or a supervillain.
An alpaca
In fact, I am Chewpaca, and I gotta tell you that the alpacalypse is coming.
Someone who has power over electrostatic discharge in the atmosphere.