What do you think???

<p>So I'm looking to transfer in Spring and instead of me telling you guys where I want to apply, I'm going to ask if you can list some schools that I would be able to get into. I already applied to GWU and AU because I'm really interested in International Relations. However, a really good LAC will do. I just want to open up my options with your help. Right now I have a 3.5 gpa at a small Christian school in Indiana and I am a political science major with an economics minor. </p>

<p>Classes I've taken:</p>

<p>1st semester...
Computer and Info Concepts: A
Expository Writing: B+
World History: A-
New Student Orientation: A
Foundations of Christian Thought: A-
Fitness For Life: A</p>

Literary London: B</p>

<p>2nd semester...
Biblical Literature I: A
Chemistry for Living: A-
Development Process/Leadership: A
Calc w/ Analytic Geometry I: C+
Functional Fitness: A
International Political Econ: A-</p>

<p>I'm retaking the calculus course this semester because I was disgusted with my grade. I'm going to be what our school calls a DA (an assistant to an RA...yeah, an assistant's assistant). Also, I collect money from our floor to support an Indonesian child so that he can be educated. I have numerous hobbies but my number one hobby is flying planes. I'm heavily involved with my church and have had my share of missions trips.</p>

<p>If anything other information is needed to be able to help me, let me know. Again, I'm looking for a good liberal arts college or, I suppose, a school with a solid IR program (although I think my best shots are George Washington and American...I want to go to GW much more than AU). Let me know what you think. Anything and everything would be helpful. Thanks!</p>

<p>what school are you at currently? what about georgetown?</p>

<p>Right now I'm at Taylor University (its one of the top Christian schools for whatever thats worth). I'm going to say Georgetown is way out of my league for a few reasons. (1) a friend from my school applied as a transfer and didn't make it (he had a 3.88). (2) I rather not submit my high school grades because they are not nearly impressive. (3) I can't remember what three was but there was one. I would like to apply to William and Mary but am not sure about my scores.
Anyone else? Any ideas?</p>

<p>your friend probably f**ked up his essays... don't let the fact that his GPA is 0.4 points higher than yours deter you from applying...people have gotten into yale and other ivies with 3.3's and 3.4's..gpa isn't everything....pus most colleges basically don't care about your high school grades if you're a junior transfer- if your standardized test scores are really low though, then retake...</p>

<p>What do you guys think about my chances at GWU? I must be honest, that is my main goal. I really really want to go there. Does anyone know when Spring transfers hear back whether they were accepted or not? Any other schools you guys can think of?</p>