What do you think?

<p>Can anybody guess at my chances?
I applied ED to William and Mary, (male in-state);</p>

<p>SAT: CR 740, Math 690, Writing 710
GPA: 3.2 overall, 3.4 by end of semester (freshman year I got a 1.9, just had a bad year, moved/switched schools and got a 3.8 sophomore and 3.9 junior year)
AP's/Honors: Calc AB, Calc BC, US History, Government, English Lit, Honors English 11, Honors Chem II (all that were offered that I could take)
Honor Roll 10th, 11th grade (12th so far)
Took Latin II online from BYU (nothing else would fit my language requirement and schedule)
Am taking philosophy 101, 102 at the community college</p>

Completely restored a 21' sailboat by myself, from sanding and painting to a complete overhaul of the rigging system
I set up, run and take down the sound equipment for every school performance, band night, concert or rally
I set up the church sound equipment and help record and post sermons to the web every sunday
Play piano for 3 bands
Play acoustic guitar and vocal duets with my little brother
Play the instrumental parts for the school choral group
Church 'reserve' pianist, play the prelude and for the church praise band
Wrote 4+ short symphonies
Had 3 summer jobs at 3 restaurants - bus boy, bar-back, barista
President of the Recycling Club
Rowing 4 years - 3+ on varsity, competed multiple times at the national level since 10th grade
Founding member of the XC team, conference champions first year (12th grade)
All-Conference for XC
Varsity basketball - 11th grade
Counselor for Vacation Bible School, also went on three 2-week mission trips to Mexico
Spent my 7th period study hall last year teaching myself quantum, particle and astro-physics by reading textbooks, articles, online introductory courses and watching Oxford University podcast lectures</p>

<p>Killer letters of recommendation, great essays (I had half a dozen people review them)</p>

<p>Do I have a chance?</p>

<p>It's not definite, but you have a very good chance of getting in.</p>

<p>I’m going to say around 95%. You are the ideal candidate.</p>

<p>You say your GPA is a 3.2 cumulative? Did I miss something? Great job on the sailboat and all, but I think you will have a hard time getting admitted to William and Mary. </p>

<p>I predict a rejection.</p>

<p>Pedsox - maybe you didn’t look at the next two years. Gheesh.</p>

<p>pedsox was probably a little harsh, but come on, 95% with a 3.2 weighted? No way. He has a chance because he’s in-state, but nowhere near 95%.</p>

<p>This is nothing personal. I stand by my opinion that the OP will not be waitlisted, but rather rejected. Just stating my opinion based on his GPA. It’s lacking regardless of his improvements. He will not be considered for admissions.</p>

<p>He can still become president of the US, though.</p>


<p>I disagree with pedsox’s mean spirited and sarcastic response. Do you work in Admissions for W & M? What do you know about the OP’s high school and its rigor, grading standards, etc.? A 4.0 is a 4.0 is a 4.0, as you wrote in the other thread about all of the admitted girls at W&M, is just a stupid thing to say: the gpa has to be put into context.</p>

<p>Again, if you could refresh our memories as to your expertise re W & M admissions, it would be helpful. Are they aware that you dominate this thread and prejudice the readers?</p>

<p>Here’s the problem with that. A 4.0 is impressive no matter what school you have gone to, since you couldn’t have done better.</p>

<p>A 3.2 weighted, no matter what school, is just not impressive. I am sorry, but while “context” does matter, a 3.2 remains rather pedestrian, and I am sure many many students at that school have a better GPA.</p>

<p>The OP’s SAT score could make up for it, especially being in-state, but the admissions process has such a degree of randomness that nobody can be really sure.</p>

<p>Incho: I agree generally, but the kid’s GPA is brought down by a 1.9 freshman year; the kid has been on honor roll 10th, 11th and 12th. </p>

<p>The Calculus BC is impressive; wonder if OP has taken four years of lab science.</p>

<p>He has also taken four college level classes; the Latin online sounds rigorous. Am also wondering if the OP went to a high school in a rural-ish area which might explain the foreign language conflict if the school did not have ample offerings. In other words, this kid could be from, say, southwest VA which is totally different than northern VA.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I went to a private school on the Eastern Shore, small and rural so many class schedules haven’t worked out. I have, however, taken 5 years of science (earth, oceanography, physics, chem 1, honors chem 2) and am in latin 3/4 this year to finish up my language requirement. I just got SAT II’s back as well; Math 2 - 760. Literature - 720. Does that change anything?</p>

<p>Have u contacted the XC coach at W &M?</p>

<p>I personally think you look great, esp the Varsity rowing and XC.</p>

<p>Does your school have Naviance; have any other kids from your school gone to or applied to W&M in the last few years?</p>

<p>I think there is a very random quality to the acceptance process, but you have the language requirement, the Calculus thing, and the science courses. </p>

<p>Crossing my fingers for you.</p>

<p>they do - there’s a line at about a 3.8 GPA where they stopped accepting people, and a 1300 SAT. I’m the only applicant in my part of the grid though - far down (gpa) and far to the right (sat). I guess I’ll find out soon</p>

<p>40% that you get in</p>

<p>Did you get in?
I know you probably won’t even answer, but did you?</p>

<p>Oh…I mean tell me when you find out.</p>