<p>I got the PR biology but the 2001-2002 edition, it this book good enought?</p>
<p>By the way it was the only one the bookshop had and I have no time for shipping.
Please tell me what you think!</p>
<p>I got the PR biology but the 2001-2002 edition, it this book good enought?</p>
<p>By the way it was the only one the bookshop had and I have no time for shipping.
Please tell me what you think!</p>
<p>I would say to use it because I don’t think that Biology has changed that much. But, in addition to Princeton Review, use the Sparknotes website to review and to get 5 free practice tests. Best of luck!</p>
<p>In my rush I forgot to ask about SAT Chemistry. I got Barrons for it as I have a wead background of the subject(a whole lot I haven’t learned). It is the 7th edition which is somewhere like 2002 or 2003 I am not sure. Any way the question is should I also borrow the sat Kaplan (which my teacher has and offered for me to borrow). I will be taking the SAT exam in May, if I should use both books how can I figure out a reasonable schedule to finish everything excluding practice tests by April 1st. I already have three hours free just for chem 6 day a week for this month.</p>
<p>Your opinons matter!!!</p>