<p>I applied to UT-Austin on 11/13/08 and am still waiting. I assume from what I've heard that I won't know until at least March, but I am driving myself crazy waiting; please give me your unbiased opinion. First choice major was Electrical Engineering, and second was Undeclared.</p>
<p>Class Rank: initially 60/368, but 48/368 since the first semester. I sent them a new transcript. (And my GPA is about a 3.9)</p>
<p>SAT I: 720 on CR and 680 on M = 1400
SAT II Math I: 700 (I took this for Rice and the engineering requirement at UT)</p>
<p>EC's: Five week-long mission trips to various places around Texas, National Honor Society 2 yrs, Secretary of FBLA this year and 2 other years of membership, Mensa, footbal/tennis freshman/sophomore year, church youth group stuff, and some other volunteering things or things not very important I forgot. </p>
<p>I wrote what I thought, obviously, were the best essays I could. I poured over them for a month trying to perfect them, but there's no way to know what they'll think. One was about alternative energy sources, the other was about inter-racial relations on mission trips. If anyone wants to read them, that'd be cool but I don't expect anything. </p>
<p>I'm already into A&M via their auto admission rules, but I don't know if I want to go there... comments on A&M would be nice too.</p>
<p>I think they take the full SAT score into account now, but regardless, I’d say your at least into the school. Assuming they consider your new transcript, I’d say your in to EE for sure as well.</p>
<p>Tresler is right. At the Discover McCombs event I went to, they advised us to send the junior one (as a safeguard), and then update the transcript if we thought that we’d improved (but checking that dropouts or bad midterms hadn’t lowered our percentile).</p>
<p>They consider the latest /official transcript/ that they have from you, but my Dallas Admissions Counselor advised me to try to update before the application deadline.</p>
<p>@Tresler: You’ll definitely make undeclared, but I can’t knowledgeably comment on EE. Good luck! Hope to see you at a Lonestar Mensa meeting.</p>
<p>Thanks for replies guys. And foxshox (or anyone else), is EE really as hard as I’ve heard? Whenever I mention it, even to engineers, people cringe and go ohhhhh that’s tough! But I’m really interested in anything electronic…What does it really go into? Like computer hardware and circuitry? Or more overall, broad electricity?</p>
<p>It is challenging at times, in retrospect all the classes had fairly easy course material, but at the time it all seemed fairly hard. To me, when people say biology, the idea of a class where all you do is memorize, makes me cringe. If there is no application of the knowledge, I find it rather useless(not to mention I am terrible at memorizing mindless crap). The first 2 years, you get into a little bit of everything; you should be able to decide by then what route you want to take( Electrical or Computer, and even further as to what specific areas you want to target). </p>
<p>First semester you have a circuit design class, and a intro to low level programming/logic design class. Second semester you have a programming class and just a whole bunch of other crap. Third semester you have another harder programming class, harder circuit design. And in your 4th semester you get everything, which will really allow you to pick what you like. You have a signals class that ties into circuits, a logic design class( my favorite), and a microcontroller class where you low level program a board to do all sorts of basic and nifty things. </p>
<p>It will be tough, as a second semester sophomore, by the end of this semester, I will already have taken 4 math classes here(2 AP credits so 6 total), 2 physics classes, and 10 EE classes. That is unheard of, even in another engineering major. There hasn’t been a single class where I haven’t use some kind of math. If you don’t like math, this is NOT, I repeat NOT the major for you.</p>