What do you use to manage your time?

<p>I was browsing on CC and came upon <a href="http://www.schedulizer.com%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.schedulizer.com&lt;/a>. From what I've seen, this is a nice tool to manage your time. However, this site is only available to 3 colleges.</p>

<p>Is there such a site for Berkeley? If not, then what do the currents student use to keep track of their classes and due dates?</p>

<p>a date book...or there are usually calendars with email services. Outlook has a good one.</p>

<p>Is this for managing your schedule of classes?</p>

<p>Schedule of classes, due dates, and whatnot.</p>

<p>Well, for schedule of clases, you can go to the berkeley site and search aman. It will be one of the first links. There you can add classes and make a schedule that you can print out. You can also save it on the site using your id number. For due dates, you can just print out a calendar from the berkeley site. Hope I helped.</p>

<p>Thanks a ton, man.</p>