<p>They think I’m probably a little weird/quirky, but pretty nice, cool guy to hang around with who’s not too arrogant, but sometimes can get too big for his bridges :)</p>
<p>People think I’m Annoying/Loud/Amazing.
Everyone WANTS to be in a class with me, because I crack the best jokes in class and get the entire class going off on the most useless tangents.
The sophisticated kids think I’m annoying, mainly because I’m pretty much the loudest person in the school. I walk down the hall yelling “Marco!” at the top of my lungs every few seconds until I get a “Polo!” back. Then I have to go find that person who said it and give them a high five. And there are people who have no respect for that level of amazingness, and it brings me down oh so much.
Some people think I’m a trouble maker, because in many instances teachers don’t appreciate my amazing puns in class or my nonstop talking and I get sent to the office or into the hallway. But the ladies in the office love me and say I light up their day when I get sent down there… which is usually 1-2 times a week.</p>
<p>And I wouldn;t have it ny other way. Life’s short, so why be boring?</p>
<p>I use to be “the smart one”, but now I’ve kind of turned into the slacker/kiss up.</p>
<p>I’m not as slackerish though. I have some pretty intense anxiety that is keep me from doing a lot of things, and I have to talk and work with the teachers about it and my work, so I end up talking to them at least once a class period, so I give off the kidd up thing.</p>
<p>Im quiet most of the time but I do have a few close friends and a nice, wide circle of influencial friends. So im pretty comfortable where I am at.</p>
<p>The “haters” think Im such a big kiss up to the teachers, but Im not. I just behave well and dont give them attitude, something people think they need to look cool,apparently. Other than that, I get the girls with my charming math and science skills, killin digits take note, gentlemen</p>
<p>babe: "hi, can you help me with these review problems?
me: “sure, whats wrong?”
babe:“The teacher is dumb and cant explain anything right.The exam is on monday!”
me:“yeah, I know. how about I help you out this weekend?”
babe:“That sounds great! thank you so much!”
me:“Im bored, maybe even a movie after?”
babe:“sure, why not?” DONE</p>
<p>its just people who hate alot that get in my way.As Jay-z would say “wipe that dirt off your shoulder” lololol</p>
<p>nice. make sure you pace yourself and not bore yourself to death with marathon sessions and then never touching the program again. I did that with a really costly review program for the SAT with Princeton Review my parents are still ****ed about it</p>
<p>Ha, we’ll see. She’s convinced I will, and I normally do up that way, but that part of my family is starting to be slightly over bearing, so we’ll see how things progress. (My uncle is convinced I should go to the college by his house. He keeps reminding me it has a nationally ranked nursing program. I don’t think he realizes I’m probably going to be an English major.)</p>
<p>a sadistic person who is callous and indifferent towards others. On the bright side: the kid to go to when you need help with anything. on the sad side: the kid to stay away from when your feeling down.</p>
<p>People think I dress really well, that I’m very smart, and that I’m nice. Girls usually just mean nice, but some guys mean the “you’re a doormat so you’ll be cool if I cheat off of you” sort of nice. And really, I could care less if people cheat off of me unless they’re mean.</p>
<p>Most people would agree that I’m very smart, well-mannered, and trustworthy. I’m not sure about talented, but there are also a few people who think that. And all would agree that I can be quite witty. XD</p>
<p>People that know me really well see me as a nice, funny, chill guy to hang out with.
People that sort of know me think I’m a genius who’s going to get a full ride to Harvard (they have no idea how hard it is just getting accepted to an Ivy League)
People that don’t know me at all look at me as if I’m some cool guy, but really dumb jock, as in I’m good at sports, but not focused on academics at all</p>