What documents are required in abroad to university application? how to apply for abroad university?

what documents are required in abroad to university application? how to apply for abroad university?

Are you an international student looking to study in the United States?

  1. Undergraduate or graduate studies?
  2. What major?
  3. What’s your budget?
  4. What other factors are important to you?

In the US admission requirements vary from college to college but in general schools want: HS transcript, standardized test scores (unless test optional), one or two teacher recommendations, one counselor recommendation and one or more essays. Likely a TOEFL exam for international students from a non-English as first language country. If you look at the website of any college you are considering they should spell out what is needed to apply.

But the requirements (and what schools look for) differ between undergraduate and graduate programs. Hence my question to OP.

Bottom line is the OP needs to do his/her research and check the website for any college and any degree he/she is interested in. The requirements to apply are generally laid out very clearly.


thank you for sharing important information.