<p>I feel a bit ambivalent now about D2 having a kitchen at MICA. So much more to schlepp! Still, I won’t be making any frozen goodies like you, GM, so at least we won’t have to bring a cooler. All those goodies sound excellent BTW. I bet she will find them and microwave the meatballs at some point before May. For my D, I actually bought her a 3 pack of pasta sauce at Costco. We always make it from scratch, but pasta with sauce from a jar is a very easy and popular student dinner. </p>
<p>D has had a lot of contact with one roommate, a tiny bit with one, and nothing with the fourth (who may be international). Move in day should be interesting. Yikes, third floor.</p>
<p>We bought her an old desk at a thrift store for less than $20 and she’s going to decoupage the top. Now where’s my old bottle of ModPodge?</p>
<p>So transporting the desk isn’t an issue? We have the freezer to deal with too. I had hoped to find some sort of portable desk that would be easy to set up and take down. Kid can’t decide if she wants to bring the chair she uses now (known comfort component) or get a new chair.<br>
She better stop stalling though.</p>
<p>I have an awful feeling that we’ll need two cars. For now, I want to help her repack what she’s packed because it’s total chaos and one of the dogs may have gotten to it.</p>
<p>I noticed our bookstore has a huge section of art stuff- probably most everything classes require. So I would wait until you actually know what you need before buying anything too expensive.</p>
<p>I’m back from dropping S at CMU. Even with a very reduced packing list, I still think he took too much stuff (2 pair of shoes, boots and flip flops were too much for the 8 inch space that was the floor space of his closet since the bureau was stuffed in there). One pair is probably enough. Those rooms are teeny tiny. I saw parents under real stress because they were having to figure out where to put so much stuff. S’s roommate had quite a bit more stuff and I think lacks the organizational skills to keep it together so chaos should ensue quickly. For example it is so hot right now that only a sheet is needed and the blankets were stuffed under the bunk bed with all the other winter stuff . Roomate had comforter AND a blanket AND an extra sheet set…Art supplies had limited space for storage. Luckily the bottom drawer of desk was roomy but he is looking forward to getting a locker in the art building. </p>
<p>The nail clippers, however, were put in a prominent place on his closet shelf. Thank you B and D. I thought of you as I placed the gleaming new nail hardware in its place of honor. </p>
<p>Please note, budding art students leaving home for first time,…let your mother make your bed (I never do this at home, just nag for him to do it) …this ritual allowed me to find inner peace, karma, whatever and I left with dry eyes. Pretty damn good! Husband was not as strong and was definitely sporting wet eyes…that is because he didn’t make the bed! He just fiddled around with the desk lamp. Empty nest syndrome can be minimized simply with the satisfaction that comes from making a hospital corner with new sheets. Amazing!</p>
<p>I don’t know how to make hospital corner and my eyes are willy waterfall just thinking about the lone nail clipper…
edit: you say nail clippers? then it can not be lone, one for fingers, one for toes?
I will cry still. boo hoo kid gone… ( wait, mine’d be back for Sep. HS to finish, duh)</p>
<p>The small pile of things to take to school has morphed into a mountain. I have been trying to get the kid to consolidate, consolidate, consolidate… but my pleas fall on deaf ears. We will manage to get it there, but once we’re there, I’m not sure where it will go… fortunately (well, depends on how you look at it) the other two girls have transportation issues so will not have quite so much STUFF.</p>
<p>I had to laugh at the kid. I love to collect art supplies. My particular passion is colored pencils (ok, when I get a chance I take botanical art classes – the kid took them with me for a couple of years – I like to think that’s where she developed her technical skill – but I don’t actually have time to do much art, but I still like the thought of being able to do some art with the wonderful NEW batch of colored pencils I got (I really love it when they’re all the same size and lined up perfect and straight and sharply pointed)… so I buy more – and the kid likes to go to art stores and then I see a new set that I think I might use… someday… I ‘treat’ myself…I used to be the same way with sewing… she who has the largest fabric stash wins…now that I think about it, it’s probably a throw back to grade school days when I’d get a brand spanking new box of Crayola crayons every Fall…and why was the black crayon always the first to disappear?). Naturally she snakes whatever she thinks she can get away with – and generally I’m ok with her “borrowing” my art stuff, but I’ve always told her she can’t take it with her to school. So she comes up to me yesterday and announces that she’s ‘divvied’ up my colored pencils and would I be ‘ok’ with her taking duplicates with her to school…sigh. What could I say? Except yes? I’m not going to have time to do any artwork anytime soon… and someday I can treat myself to more colored pencils since I gave some to the kid. She’s just taking the prismacolors though and leaving me with my ‘special’ sets, lol.</p>
<p>I wonder how much we will haul back with us because it didn’t fit. Plus I’m already concerned about moving out day – when will she have time to pack EVERYTHING back up? And where, oh where, will this stuff all go next summer???</p>
<p>“Husband was not as strong and was definitely sporting wet eyes…that is because he didn’t make the bed! He just fiddled around with the desk lamp.”</p>
<p>This sentence is just beautiful…
Dad sounds like a really sweet guy!
In fact your entire description, bed making etc. was wonderful!</p>
<p>my manga brain tells me smarty got crush on famdad !!</p>
<p>Glutemom…the apartment does offer so much more space it is tempting to take more than enough stuff. Remind D that it has to come home later and she can pick up stuff at Thanksgiving if it is really critical. Also, the reverse. I told S to keep an eye on stuff that is never used (some of the books, extra towels) and bring it home on break. No…nail clippers should NOT fall into that category. </p>
<p>BandD … You tube taught me how to fold fitted sheets so I figured, and i was right, that there would be a video on hospital corners. Here is the first [YouTube</a> - Basic Training: Make a Bed With Hospital Corners](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube) There are actually many hospital corner videos but this is from the army so that recruits can do what their mother’s were raised to do…actually not…my mother is a nurse and never heard of a “hospital corner” but it was a requirement at my childhood summer camp (before fitted sheets were common). The benefit is that it doesn’t come untucked easily and leave the toes exposed to chilly air…why this was a requirement in a summer camp in north florida is not clear to me but I was always a conformist and have made my bed this way since I was 7. </p>
<p>Yes clippers is plural…a small one for the fingers and a large one for the toes…I had flashbacks when I bought them for S thinking about those teeny ones that I bought from the baby store and never used because I was too terrified to put a sharp edge even near those preemie fingers. No need to gross out adult child now…wait until he has kids of his own to break it to him that I nibbled his little nails until he had a finger-size that would not be disabled by my clutzy use of the clippers. </p>
<p>Toe clippers are a godsend for the adult male toenail…what are those? claws? were they required in prehistoric times to dig tunnels or burrows, rip apart coconuts or something? Without BandDs reminder my son would be wandering CMU looking like a giant sloth or a koala bear.</p>
<p>I have to wait until better mac is free for examinie sheets on youtube. I am prehistoric.
They had to defend loved ones tooth to nails, is my guess. More nails, more mates.</p>
<p>fammom I see you’ve avoided subject of my last post. no worry my kind of manga is just so, platonic crush, or cultural crush, since smarty was wooed by your H’s opinion on camp vacation, remember?</p>
<p>This is becoming sort of parallel <em>squee</em> I just bumped it so it stays on first page in the view. keep it going, folks.</p>
<p>that was soothing, so smooth, so serene. like shaker room.
I have a question, thou. The guy put pillow under dustcover and tucked all around.
U.S logo on the blanket is facing upward toward the pillow which tucked tightly under the cover.
This means, you are going to stick your head under dustcover on the pillow, or you are to squish dustcover toward top edge of the bed, or take out (and ruin) hospital corner of the dustcover and put it over U.S. blanket?
I tried to figure out by checking other videos and it lead me to occupied bed (in the hospital) making to donno why “Obama and Hilary - umbrella” with 85million views, which was part of, are they all sort of p-o-r-n-o?
youtube is scary…</p>
<p>Forgive me. I don’t mean any offense. I was just poking and looking around here, but is that English? What does it mean? Does it make any sense?</p>
<p>'tis alright. I get that often. it’s not english, is called bearsanddog-sh.
first, you out to watch the youtube video in fammom’s post # 70 about the hospital corner.
It shows how army dude make their bed.
I watched three or four times to understand why but at the last step, extra blanket ( the narrator calls it "dust-cover " if I am not mistaken) is folded in half, placed over pillow, tucked in all around covering top 1/3 of the bed, pillow and all.
It looks neat but I can not tell how you are to sleep in it.
So I looked at other videos about “how to make bed” by other people, then next few clicks of the mouse, I was wondered into porno turf without even trying, suppose “bed” being keyword? I don’t know.
None ^ of these have any significance to what artist should bring to college. unless you want to know everything.
just ignore me or if you happened to know the answer what to do with the pillow buried under tucked in blanket army style, please post.
Thank you in advance.
If you are asking about post # 66, 69, 71 it will be a long story but I can tell you if you want.
your name suggests liking comics, yes?</p>
<p>Actually I’m just really impressed with how FamMom described the trauma of leaving for both of them. C’mon bears, didn’t you find that pretty darn impressive writing?</p>
<p>I do
but I also have crush on famdad.
I can see how he would mumble something in mystery language and sign, smile shyly then wipe off his glasses or forhead or both. his hair is parted in the middle with bit of gray…</p>
<p>^ this all come from fammom’s beautiful writing and my manga fantasy visual. so, yeah, you are right, she writes darn well for math science folk.</p>
<p>Thanks for the compliment! maybe it is time to start a new thread. What an art student is likely to forget to take to college? or, How to communicate to art student without resorting to trivial exchanges on facebook? Horror stories from foundation year?</p>
<p>I had a spy chip secretly installed in my kid’s back so will be able to quietly monitor all activities at all times from a dedicated computer at home.</p>
<p>Can’t let the thread slip further down the list! The kid dragged her feet over ordering a desk online, so now it’s too late to order it. Given her issues with ADHD and procrastination and such, I’d rather not leave it to her to put together and set up. Plus it’s an excuse to go to Utrechts in the city. Usually we love to go shop at Pearl Paint on Canal Street, so this will be something/someplace new. The manga kid is coming along with one of her manga class friends to get new markers for manga class (no doubt she’ll hit me up for a new sketch book too). I’m pretty sure that Kid #1 will also find some things she “has” to have… I don’t think she’s really convinced this is all on HER dime, not mine. Anyhow, Utrechts has a folding drafting table thing… I just hope it fits in the car with the kids and the other stuff. I think we abandoned the idea of trying to use our big old van for the trip to Baltimore on Wednesday and have reserved a Uhaul cargo van instead. We’ll drive it one way and take our regular car too. I just worry that the kid has to pack up all her stuff more or less on her own in May – but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.</p>
<p>WHo wants my Utrecht post card I got yesterday?</p>
<p>"back to school SALE SAVE UP TO 65% off
TAKE AN EXTRA 25% OFF Your Purchase ( no for already sale items, can not be combine to any other promotion, blah blah of usual)
good thru 10/24/10</p>
<p>Gmom, if you are Utrecht member, this should be coming to your mailbox.
Or if you are coming to the city like, now,
I will be standing in front of MoMA for timed ticket.
if you see suspicious Asian middle aged “bear” person, it’s me.</p>