What does each correct answer compute to

<p>For you SAT veterans some math questions</p>

<p>-how many additional correct responses does it take to raise a score say 50 points or is that even an answerable question?</p>

<p>-Are the easy questions scored differently than the hard and medium?</p>

<p>-anyone else bomb the geometry section? Any hints got next time</p>

<p>-It's not really answerable. 1 or 2 can do it. Once I missed one math question and it went down to 770. So don't stress so much about 50 points. Some people stress out over a score increase of 50 points; that's the same as making 2 stupid mistakes.</p>

<p>I don't know the next two. general hints for geometry, as with anything: learn the material and practice. There's no way around it.</p>

<p>thanks dchow. Good to know!</p>

<p>all questions are scored the same so do the easy ones first</p>