what does "free response - writing sample" mean on the VT application?

<p>^^does it mean I can recycle an essay question from another essay I have already written?
or does it mean like a short story or something>?</p>

<p>My son was told that it was an opportunity to let admissions know something about you that might not come through on the more specific questions. He chose to do a metaphor on the game of golf (he is an advid player) and life. Certainly a short story would be a great way to go. If you have another essay that would fit, no harm using it. Good luck!</p>

<p>you can reuse an essay you wrote for another school… just make sure you don’t say another school’s name in it!!!
i did a free response about getting lost in one of my dreams. I know some people write about why they did poorly during freshman year or something of that sort. One of my friends wrote about how moving before senior year affected him.
It’s pretty much an anything you want essay.</p>

<p>It is a chance for you to let admissions see a side of you that they cannot get from your GPA and SAT scores. Perhaps you could expound on an interest you have that can be related to your passion for learning and dedication to excellence. </p>

<p>I strongly advise against using it as a blank space to whine and make excuses for a past poor performance. Use it to broaden admission’s knowledge of who is actually applying.</p>