<p>what does it mean when my friends hear from USC about a week ago (they were admitted) and i still haven't heard? anyone have any theories? im supposed to hear from them by april 1st and the anticipation is killing me haha</p>
<p>Probably just waves of admissions.</p>
<p>No worries, that happened to me too. A lot of my friends got their USC acceptances in early March and I didn't get mine till last week. The letter/package thing is so pretty though--if you get it you'll like it.
Good luck.</p>
<p>yeah, id heard of a million people getting their acceptances so i thought i'd gotten rejected, but i got mine a few days ago. it's a huge envelope with a red folder! incidentally, has anyone been rejected or waitlisted by usc yet?</p>
<p>oh and does the fact my sister didnt go hurt my chances of getting in?</p>
<p>but that makes me feel a little more comfortable...its just that every day i check the mail and when i dont see anything big i get that "awwww, CRAP!" feeling haha.</p>
<p>I know the feeling connor. A little part of me dies everyday when I check the mail and all that's in there are bills or some advertisements!</p>
<p>And I wouldn't think that you're sister situation would affect your application in anyway.</p>
<p>i hope it doesnt effect their decision...its something my dad brought up though and it just adds to the worry haha. well i already got into Univ. of San Diego so its nice to know i have a backup just in case i dont get in :D</p>
<p>i just wish they would set a certain day like pepperdine does...it makes it so much less stressful haha</p>
<p>well i just heard from Boston College today...i didnt get in. How does BC compare to USC?</p>
<p>I think BC has a higher admittance rate than USC...but everyone I know has gotten in (to USC) so far. Each college evaluates its applicants differently, and just because BC evaluated you in a way that they felt was incompatible with their school, does not mean usc will necessarily feel the same way about you. I think admissions are just so fickle. Maybe the admissions officer who read your application was hating life that day or something and the admissions officer at usc was having an awesome day and loved you so your acceptance letter is in the mail right now. You never know!
If you end up not getting in though, you can have my spot. Unless I get hella money from my private schools, I have to go to UCB. xx</p>
<p>haha...i wish they'd let you do that. </p>
<p>yeah, i think BC admits around 31% and USC around 27% but ive heard that BC has a better pool of applicants to choose from. i guess we'll find out in the next few days haha</p>