<p>Your pool is an ocean. Mine is a puddle. I'm allowed a little transference.</p>
<p>Anyway, PorSK is the one doing the converting. ;)</p>
<p>Your pool is an ocean. Mine is a puddle. I'm allowed a little transference.</p>
<p>Anyway, PorSK is the one doing the converting. ;)</p>
<p>I should start chasing guys so that I can play corranged's (try to pronounce that) foil.</p>
<p>See? This is the kind of genius idea that got you into H ;)</p>
<p>Wait. Would you turn the guys gay? Because, you know, you'd have no male friends after that came to light.</p>
<p>And, yeah, my SN was random. I don't even know how to pronounce it by itself. lol</p>
<p>I'd be friends with all the ladies. Jeez, nothing wrong with that. :p</p>
<p>haha. good point. But, what about Guitar?</p>
<p>It's "arranged", but with a "co" instead of the "a". Duh ;)</p>
<p>And yeah, what about me? I feel so left out :-[ All I know is, corranged and I are going girl-hunting if we get into H. And we'll accidentally forget to bring PorSK with us.</p>
<p>Yeah, that's how I figured it was pronounced. But, you know, it's my name, so what if I want it to have some weird pronounciation. Like orange -> oranged -> corranged. :p</p>
<p>Yeah, girl hurting would be fabulous. You know, if you're hot enough to attract them to us, and I look gay enough so that we don't look like a couple. lol</p>
<p>I'm sensing a friendship triangle. corranged will tag along with me because I'll get her the girls, but I'll try to avoid her because I don't want her to interfere with you and me, Guitar, but then you'll be running away from me and trying to pick up girls with corranged. :p</p>
<p>I want PorSK.
PorSK doesn't want me.</p>
<p>PorSK wants Guitar.
Guitar doesn't want PorSK.</p>
<p>I think we're missing this one:
Guitar wants me.
I don't want Guitar.</p>
<p>Going to have to work on that.</p>
<p>And I'll be wearing a tutu or something.</p>
<p>haha </p>
<p>So any of you do anything exciting today?</p>
<p>I found out that our school actually has wireless internet and just hasn't told us about it all these years. And they still connect all their computers by wires. Go figure.</p>
<p>Haha. That's funny and dorky.</p>
<p>How's it dorky? I mean it was a freakin' drama girl who told me. I'm the dork, not her, so it clearly wasn't dorky!</p>
<p>"Yeah, girl hurting would be fabulous. You know, if you're hot enough to attract them to us, and I look gay enough so that we don't look like a couple. lol"</p>
<p>Sorry corranged, I don't know what you're into, but I like being gentle and loving to girls, so you and PorSK go girl-hurting and I'll just go hang out with my less chauvenistic friends :p</p>
<p>And hey, you don't have to dress up max gay, I mean, if people think we're couples, the jealousy factor never hurts, haha</p>
<p>PorSK, I think you're onto something ;) We can form one highly dysfunctional lady-lovin' cabal.</p>
<p>School is dorky, never you, PorSK. ;)</p>
<p>Girl hunting was your phrase, dude. But the jealousy thing could definitely work. Good thinking!</p>
<p>Yeah, but you said "girl-hurting." Silly you :p</p>
<p>Hahahaha. :p</p>
<p>...oops -Freudian slip ;)</p>