What does it take to get into Roy and Vagelos Life Sciences Management program?

<p>What does it take to get into the Roy and Vagelos Life Sciences Management program??
I know that it's competitive but how much competitive compared to other joint-degree programs in Upenn?</p>

<p>If there are anyone who got accepted to the program or who is in the program, it would be great if you guys share your stats because I want to know where I'm at right now.
Thanks! :)</p>

When you graduate from the program, what kind of jobs can you do usually?<br>
I mean... usually,what do the students do after graduating?</p>

<p>Oh, and is taking AP courses in Bio and Chem necessary for admission?
My school doesn’t offer AP Chem and AP Bio is for seniors only.
I’m taking AP Bio next year.
Would it be okay/sufficient to just taking SAT2 tests for bio and chem and do research in that area over the summer?</p>

<p>no one has graduated from LSM. wait until 2010, and you’ll find out what kind of jobs they get :slight_smile:
i considered applying for this program, but i didn’t because i didn’t want the stress of taking 5/6 classes every single semester and possibly staying past 4 years.</p>

<p>Wow, so it usually takes more than 4 years to graduate?</p>

<p>well, we don’t know yet because no one has graduated from the program yet.
but in order to graduate within 4 years, you do have to have a lot of AP credits coming in and also take 5/6 classes every single semester.</p>