<p>So, I'm beginning at a CC in the Bay Area this upcoming academic year in hopes of doing well enough over the next two years to be accepted as a transfer to UC-Berkeley.</p>
<p>Now, Stanford has never been one of my options however I'm simply posting this question to see what response I get back from current students, past students, recently accepted, recently rejected, or any of those that fall between or outside these categories.</p>
<p>The question I ask is what does it take to transfer into Stanford?</p>
<p>In my personal situation, I would be an in-state resident applying from an California community college in the Bay Area. Let me know what it would take for me to be a competitive applicant in the transfer application pool down the road.</p>
<p>I graduated from high school in '04, so by the time that I apply to school from my CC, I will be 22 years old.</p>
<p>Is it really the get a 4.0+ G.P.A., stack on the extracirriculars until they are coming out of your nose, and get more awards than you know what to do with and then, and ONLY then, you may stand a chance at being accepted as a transfer applicant to Stanford?</p>
<p>Or, is it feasible for a regular old community college student to apply with a 3.7-3.8 G.P.A., has remained involved in say 2-3 solid activities but dedicated ample time over the years to all 3 equally instead of some time to 10+ different activites, and solid recommendations from professors/teachers from their current college?</p>
<p>I'm asking this because I know that for every 1 young guy and girl out there who is a shoe-in for Stanford, there are about 100 guys and girls just like me. I know that I'm not going to have anything handed to me, I wouldn't have it that way if I had the choice to begin with, however I want to see what it's going to take for me over the next 2+ years to really, I mean genuinely, stand a chance at successfully transfering to a university as prestigous and selective as Stanford.</p>