Middle class fall under working class. Those are the people who can probably provide their necessities and wants.
I live in Ohio. According to this, we’re above middle class. My family makes around $125k a year. But I’ve always considered us to be middle class. My parents both came from low-middle class families, and they both work at pretty ordinary professions. No medical doctors in the family.
But I can kind of relate to the member mentioned in the original post. My parents decided it was really important for me to attend private school starting in kindergarten. I have a younger sister going to a private school that does not offer merit-based aid. So because of this and all the other odd things my parents have had to pay through for throughout the years, we can’t afford to pay a lot for college without taking out loans.
Bottom line here is really don’t judge a person’s financial status. A number can’t really encapsulate the family’s situation.