What does "Short Response" really mean?

<p>When Davidson asks you to give "short responses" to their supplement questions, how many words does that entail? I'd really appreciate opinions from accepted students, obviously haha</p>

<p>ive not been accepted… but i took some liberties… mine are pretty long, almost around the 500 word length.</p>

<p>Like TTwhite, I haven’t been accepted but I spoke directly to an admissions counselor, the one for Texas, and she said, short responses 1 page double spaced, essay 2-3 double spaced. She said she wasn’t going to stop reading after a certain amount but that’s the length they look for.</p>

<p>^ thanks rfwcphs1! I guess that means about 250 words for short answers…</p>

<p>Yeah I think mine ended up being right at 270. But I sent them in single spaced so it looks like less. :)</p>