<p>I recieved this email from the coach at MIT for a sport, and I am slightly confused by it</p>
<p>"I met with the folks in admissions today to go over your application. Overall it looks pretty good, but they are going to want to see all As this term, particularly in your math and science. Please let me know if you have any questions."</p>
<p>Currently I have a B in Calculus BC, but I think I can bring it up to an A- by the end of the term, is that good enough or do A-'s not count as A's?</p>
<p>If I were you I’d get in touch with your BC Calc teacher and let them know how important this grade is to you, ask what you can do in the class for help (go in early, stay after, etc.), and possibly drop the hint that MIT is interested in this grade as well. No teacher wants to be manipulated or used, but there’s nothing wrong with letting them know what’s on the line IF you’re willing to back that up with some hard work. It would be less feasible if you were walking in with a C-, however you are obviously a strong student. The overwhelming majority of teachers want you to do well…they also want to see you take an interest in their class. I’m not insinuating that you’re not…I’m suggesting that hard work and respect for the subject matter go a long way for some instructors. We’re all human.
Good luck!</p>