<p>This is my boyfriend's third time to apply to A&M as a transfer from Blinn. The first two times, it was for MEEN, but he has since switched to WFSC. Today, he was moved to Step 4 on the AIS portal, and it says "A decision has been mailed for this application." The last two times he was rejected, it said the same thing. The advisor told him there was absolutely no reason he should get denied this time, so we are very concerned. However, we are now noticing a MyRecord tab on the Howdy portal, and it allows him to register for a sports pass, meal plan, and log into eLearning. Has he been accepted and the AIS portal has just not moved to Step 5 yet, or what's the deal? We are very anxious and cannot wait for the letter to come through the mail!</p>
<p>Who was his advisor? Was the advisor in the WFSC program? I know that WFSC looks very closely at your science classes and will reject you outright if you didn’t do well in them or didn’t take them, regardless of your performance in other classes.</p>
<p>Yes, his advisor was in the WFSC department. Her name is Amanda Schwede. Because he was previously on the engineering track, he had not taken the two biologys he needed, but he is currently in one this semester and taking the other this summer. She said that should not affect his acceptance whatsoever.</p>
<p>If he can register for a Sports Pass and Meal Option he most likely got in! Woohoo!! Usually the AIS system is updated Wednesday or Thursday nights, so you may see a Step 5 pop up shortly.</p>
<p>Also, try searching his name here: </p>
<p><a href=“https://services.tamu.edu/directory-search/[/url]”>https://services.tamu.edu/directory-search/</a></p>
<p>Someone on these forums mentioned this. If he shows up in the directory, he was probably accepted.</p>
<p>My daughter has been accepted but she doesn’t show up in that search, so don’t worry if his name isn’t there, though.</p>
<p>The “finding your name in the directory” to see if you’ve been accepted is a myth. It has been debunked many times on this board, but somehow keeps resurfacing.</p>
<p>Ah well, I apologize for propagating this myth. The one thread that I read that mentioned the search never had a single reply saying it didn’t work, so I didn’t know.</p>
<p>sarbear—have you found out anything at this time?</p>