What does this means? This is from the UC website

<p>“In the subject areas of mathematics, chemistry and foreign language, however, a D or F grade can be “validated” by earning a C grade or better in the second
semester or more advanced level in the same subject.”-from UC website
What does it mean by “validated”? Will the failing grade for first semester not count if one gets a C or higher in second semester?</p>

<p>UCs have required "a to g" courses for admission. If you grade D or lower in a course being counted to meet the a to g requirements, the course will not count and you need to retake to make it count. However, you can instead validate by getting at least a C in the second semester or more advanced level of the same subject and thus not have to retake that D or lower semester to make it count as one of the a-g required courses. However, that D or F will still be considered when determining your GPA for admission.</p>

<p>But note, those instructions only apply to a-g courses taken prior to senior year.....admissions is contingent on a strong senior year (3.0 uw).</p>

<p>UC standing for what? There's more than one UC out there. E.g. my top choice is the University of Cincinnati.</p>

<p>groupiegirl, this pertains to the schools belonging to the University of California and none other.</p>

<p>well there was no specification so I wanted to make sure.</p>

<p>Oh, usually "UC" pertains to the University of California system in this forum</p>

<p>^ Or sometimes University of Chicago...or Colorado...</p>

<p>I meant UC as in University of California</p>

<p>Well we're obviously in the University of California section of the forums lol</p>

<p>Please note that the first semester of Chemistry can not longer be validated by the second semester. For more information on validation please see University</a> of California - Counselors</p>