What does withdrawing an application mean?

If I withdraw an application, do I get rejected or can I reapply?
Can I withdraw if I made a mistake on my application? If the answer is no, is there anything else I could do?

Will there be a way to know if my application is withdrawn or not?
Please reply ASAP.

Please answer. I’m getting too anxious to rest.

If you withdraw your application, you’re telling them you don’t want to apply there anymore. Seems a strangely final action to take just for a “mistake” on your application. What kind of mistake?

I messed up on all the essays (which includes the supplementary essays), but my parents believed that putting a bad essay and going early action will be fine. I disagreed with them, but in the end my decision was dismissed since they are the ones paying for college.
I guess I will be rejected then, huh?

What do you mean, you messed up on all the essays? You just don’t like them now?

You really can’t withdraw and reapply the same year. It is possible to update factual info by contacting admissions (example: a few days ago someone had mis-typed their own name). But I don’t know that you can or should ask to replace essays. Did you skip the printing and proofreading step, or is there some other problem?

If you withdraw your application you cannot reapply for the same admissions cycle.

I also don’t understand what you mean by “messed up my essays”. Were they grammatically incorrect or with other glaring errors and not proofread adequately? Or did you not like the topic you chose to write about? I don’t get it. Why would your parents think going EA will make up for a bad essay? That is ludicrous advice. Sorry to be harsh, but just because they are paying doesn’t preclude you from making sure your essays are what you want to submit.

I’m sorry, but I wish not to talk about those circumstances in detail.
But I can tell you this. Their decisions are affected by my actions, so the blame falls under my shoulders.
Thanks for the help you have offered.

How do I lock this thread?

You don’t.

That doesn’t even make sense. A little more detail would help us give better advice. No one is trying to figure out who you are, we are just trying to assist you.