<p>As the title says, what does your thinking or thought process look like when you're writing?</p>
<p>I tend to think in images rather than words, so usually when I write I have to go through this picture-to-word translation process…which means my first drafts are usually incoherent to everyone other than me.</p>
<p>Is that exclusively creative writing?</p>
<p>You mean like when I’m writing things for school? My thoughts when writing mainly comprise of phrases or words strung together that I want to include in the piece.</p>
<p>Nah. This is how I usually think about math proofs too. And I think it’s why I can’t do arithmetic in my head.</p>
<p>I don’t understand the question.</p>
<p>Like when you are prompted to write something, what goes through your head before you begin to write and as you go on to actually write.</p>
<p>I have a conversation with myself in my head.</p>