What dorms are the best?

<p>Im leaning towards single sex housing, im a female. I know there is East Campbell hall and Johnson Hall. Does anyone have any prefences and why?</p>

<p>For freshmen, the best housing is Peddrew Yates. It’s Co-ed style. You have to apply to get in. Once you get in, you have to take a full year of Leadership classes, which is the most benificial and enjoyable class I have in Freshmen year. The knowledge you learn can help you better prepair any leadership position in various organizations in Tech. Since you taking the same classes with your neighbors, you instantly have a group of close friends, no matter it’s same sex or the opposite. You live with 5 other people in a suit. There are 3 study lounges on each floor. In addition, there are common refrigerator, stove, microwave, and oven in the lounge on each floor. The best part is you may have class right in the building you live. The mail room is also in PY. The best part is it’s pretty much in the center of the campus, so you don’t have to walk a long distance to gym, classes, dinning facilities, stadiums, or downtown bars. PS. PY are the few dorms that has AC. All my friends who are not in PY said they wish they apply for it, and all my friends who live in PY said that they don’t want to move out after the freshmen year.</p>

<p>I’ve lived in both Cochrane and West Ambler. Even though Cochrane is suite style, I still like West AJ a lot better. The best thing about Cochrane is that it is literally about 30 ft from the best dining on campus, West End Market. West AJ is maybe 100 ft from it, so I don’t guess the dining really has that much weight. Both are Co-ed, but in West AJ each floor is single sex or it is on my floor. In Cochrane it is single sex suites, but the suite beside of you might be the opposite sex. I’ve heard that Harper Hall is good and as the answer above me stated, so is Peddrew Yates. Try to get air conditioning if you can.</p>

<p>I’ve never been in Johnson, but it seems like the room layout is the same as East Campbell (as Main/West Egg), but it also is slightly bigger. As far as traditional freshman dorms go, I definitely liked the layout these dorms have more than other ones I’ve been in (West AJ, Newman, etc). East Campbell also has a nice location since it’s right on the drillfield. But if you can get into PY or any of the nicer dorms (which is hard to do, even returning students have trouble getting into them sometimes) I’d say go for that.</p>

<p>I can tell you what the worst dorms are…Brodie, Rasche, Monteith</p>

<p>APPLY TO LIVE IN THE RLC (Peddrew Yates)! it will be the best decision you will make. i live here now and its so much better than traditional dorms. they are relatively new, suite style and have air conditioning. the rooms are much larger than the regular dorms. the only thing is you will have to take 2 classes ( one fall/ one spring) on leadership. they aren’t that bad.</p>

<p>Are freshmen typically able to get suite style housing if they put that as their preference on the housing and dining contract? Or do most of the suites go to upperclassmen?</p>

<p>You can get suite style housing in Peddrew Yates, Cochrane, and Harper as a freshman. I got Cochrane my first semester at VT. Don’t let suite style fool you though. I think the dorms in West Ambler are much nicer than in Cochrane.</p>

<p>It says online that Cochrane is traditional…</p>

<p>[Cochrane</a> Hall | Residence Halls | Housing & Residence Life | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.housing.vt.edu/halls/cochrane.php]Cochrane”>http://www.housing.vt.edu/halls/cochrane.php)</p>

<p>Is this wrong??</p>

<p>Cochrane is suite style. I’ve lived there. Unless they have renovated since last semester, it is a screw up.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.vt.edu/about/buildings/cochrane-hall.html[/url]”>http://www.vt.edu/about/buildings/cochrane-hall.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>First paragraph.</p>

<p>Ohh gotcha, thanks. So sense students are assigned to their dorms instead of getting to choose them, the chances of getting west amber are slim. Would you consider most traditional dorms to be better than cochrane?? Or just specifically west amber</p>

<p>I’d say most of the traditional dorms are about the same quality, at least as far as the freshman dorms go. The upperclass dorms are much nicer quality. The obvious exception for freshman dorms (as mentioned here) is Peddrew-Yates.</p>

<p>The chance of getting West Ambler is very very slim to none since they are closing it down and reopening East Ambler. West Ambler is undergoing renovation. I would say most students get placed in Pritchard since it is the largest dorm on campus. So if you get East Ambler, be thrilled. You are getting a completely renovated hall.</p>

<p>Hi everyone, just reading these threads… the RLC sounds pretty enticing, where might I find a link to apply for it?</p>

<p>My daughter is in RLC this year and absolutely loves it! This link should get you to all the themed housing applications: <a href=“https://ccoracle2.studentprograms.vt.edu/[/url]”>https://ccoracle2.studentprograms.vt.edu/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;