What else can I do with a BSN

<p>I want to attend college more than anything, but its so expensive. I don't think I could force my parents to pay money they don't have for me to get a degree in something like psychology. I know I can accel as a nurse, but I have my heart set on medical and scientific research. being a nurse is the most practical, and safe major for me right now. but I was wondering, if I do end up with a bsn can I do anything other than nursing with it?</p>

<p>life is hard.</p>

<p>With an advanced degree in nursing, you can still do research. I know one nurse who worked in international public health and became interested in vector-borne diseases. She went on to earn a doctorate in entomology and now does research at a government lab. I know another nurses who collaborates with research physicians on cardiovascular rehab research and they’ve authorized numerous research articles and textbooks. Another nurse I know specializes in forensic nursing and investigates abuse and neglect cases. Still another nurse I know has an advanced degree in bioethics and works as a bioethicist at a hospital. You also can teach, administer nursing and other areas of health services, work in public health, etc. There also are many areas of specialty practice in nursing.</p>

<p>Zap did a good job answering one of your concerns. I’ll try to respond about the expense.</p>

<p>There are RN programs at many community colleges. You can then finish your BSN later at another college. In general, students with a BSN have better job opportunities than a RN with an associates degree. However, some people have argued that, initially, a community college grad with 2 years of nursing experience will have better job opportunities than a BSN fresh out of college, with both persons at the same age. </p>

<p>There are BSN programs at affordable in-state public colleges. Just be aware that nursing is typically the most competitive programs for admittance at those colleges. Most public colleges do not offer much need-based aid to out of state students. Apply as early as possible, before all the seats are filled.</p>

<p>Many private colleges with nursing programs offer merit and need based aid that may bring their cost down to a cost similar to public colleges. For need based aid, you can look up the percentage of need met by each college, on sites such as collegeboard. org. Many colleges list their minimum qualifications for automatic merit aid on their website. If they really want you, they will exceed those minimum offers. To maximize your chances for merit aid, apply to some colleges where you will be in the top 25% of their applicant pool.</p>

<p>If you expect to get college grants from your state government, try to attend an in-state college. Some states limit their grants to colleges within their own states, while other states only provide small grants to students attending an out of state college.</p>